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Data elements required from AMS

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The table below shows the PMI data elements required for PMI Planning module. Corresponding data elements must be identified and included in the export routine that is to be set up in the accounting management system (or ledger/ERP). The extract only needs to include P&L accounts – balance sheet accounts are not used in PMI Planning. Please note: The names of data elements are provided in source system (native) codes. These native codes will be translated into PMI names in PMI.

Transfer Methods

See here what different transfer methods are available – Transfer Methods


For import of Actual figures from Visma into PMI Planning P&L

It is advised to use the format .csv if possible and otherwise Excel will suffice.

Steps of pulling a Visma report

  1. Regnskap/Accounting
  2. Bilagssøk/Verifications
  3. Hovedbokstransaksjoner/Ledger Transactions
  4. Pick you fields – see picture
  5. Write it all out in Excle format first and…
  6. Delete all balance accounts or simply pick from what accounts you wish to the far right.
  7. Once done save as .csv file and either e-mail to support; or save in specified catalogue on the hotel server.
  8. This should be done once a month once closing of the previous month is completed.

The fields that are to be included are

  • Visa save as .csvYear
  • Period (1-12)
  • Account
  • Department
  • Name of Account
  • Value = sum of verifications within the period/month

Not needed:

  • Opening balance
  • Closing balance
  • Balance Accounts (1000-2999)