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Upload Users to PMI

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Under Administration and Upload there is a feature that enables you to download an excel sheet, add users credentials and upload to PMI. This is very useful should you need to add many users, for example when setting up a new property. The upload will contain:

The upload will contain the following:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Job Title
  • E-Mail
  • Password

It will not contain any user access and all users upload via this feature will get View PMI Access. The user access then needs to be set separately directly under Users


Under Upload choose PMI Users

Start to Create Upload Template

Fill in the downloaded excel sheet

Go back to Upload and PMI User and choose Upload Data Now!

Browse file to upload:

Select file from your computer:

PMI will list the upload on the screen with a status to the right. Status green will be uploaded but status red will not, this is because this user already exists in PMI.

Click Update to Database and this popup will appear.

After clicking Yes, Upload to Database! the users will be uploaded to PMI and you need to go into Users and set the user rights.