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KPI targets enhancement February 2024

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The main goal of this enhancement is to:

  1. Provide additional view options to allow the user to personalise their view as needed.
  2. Give access to additional details on the KPIs and the background calculations used (available for controller level access and above).

See below a full list of the enhancements implemented.

  1. A globe icon has been added to all KPIs that are standard in PMI and can be used by all properties and chains. These are managed by d2o and cannot be edited or deleted.

2. Sorting options (up-down arrows in column headers) have been added in certain columns in the KPI dashboard views that allows you to sort the rows from high to low, or low to high. To return to the unsorted view, click the icon until both arrows appear again.

3. An option to view KPI details has been added to the ‘Set KPI targets’ tab. This tab is available for users with Controller access or higher. Click on the + sign by the Save button to open the pop up. Here you can review the calculations used for each KPI. See the section How to view KPI details for more information. 

4. Sustainability KPIs have been added to the list of general KPIs. This data comes from the GoGreen module.

5. A month to date view option has been added to the KPI Dashboard view. Click on the month selector icon and select a single month to view. A Show MTD option will then be available in the header. 

For more details on these enhancements, see the article KPI targets overview.