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CO2 factors enhancement – September 2024

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CO2 factor module has been moved

The CO2 factors module is now in Advanced settings, in the main menu. It was previously in GoGreen cockpit settings. This module gives an overview of CO2 factors at chain or property-level per resource.  

Image description: CO2 factors module in PMI

The view options include: 

  • Resource: Select which resource you wish to view per property or chain. 
  • Resource type: Select the sub-category you wish to view.  
  • Property and group: All properties or specific properties can be viewed.  
  • Calculation method: Location-based, Market-based or both can be selected.  
  • CO2 factors: This can be viewed in grams, kg or tons per unit.  
  • Date range: Shows the period that has been set for the factors.  
  • Edit: Allows you to edit current or add new factors.  
  • View history: Allows you to view all previous factors in the table.  
  • Add new value: Add a new CO2 factor to the property.  


Please see this article for more details on the module.