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How pickup fields are displayed and used in Room live forecast

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What are pickups?

Pickups are the difference between what is on the books and the Live forecast. For past days, a positive number shows the number of pickups that exceeded the Live forecast, while a negative number shows how many pickups were missed. Once the day is past, Live forecast figures become actuals. If you hover over the Live forecast cell, you can see what the last saved Live forecast was for that day.


How to edit a pickup

Manually forecasted days have an open cell for editing, where pickups can be changed. It differs depending on if forecasts are done on segment or total level. On segment level, nothing is shown on total level. In view options, you can choose whether or not you want to always show segment level.

To manually edit a day with PMI prediction enabled (a day with a robot icon), the automation must be turned off by clicking on the robot icon. It then changes to a person icon, indicating that manual changes have been made. All segments are automatically displayed so you can make the desired adjustments.

    If you prefer to input the ARR forecast directly in the ARR pickup field (disregarding the OTB value), the setting ‘Use ARR pickup calculator for manual forecasts’ can be disabled and the cell will open for editing in the Live forecast column instead of the Pickup column. This is done in ‘Tools’, then ‘Configuration Settings’, then disable the setting.

    If the Live forecast displayed spans over a period with different settings selected, the editable cell will appear either in the Pickup column or the Live forecast column, depending on the settings, and will not remain in the same column for the period.

    Note: This change should not impact how historical dates with actuals are displayed.


    Configuration settings

    Depending on your configuration settings, you can use the OTB values and forecast what the pickup rooms should be sold for (A1).

    You can also enter the value that you would like for a final forecast by deactivating the “Use ARR pickup calculator for manual forecasts” feature in Configuration settings (A2). Go to Settings, and then Configuration settings. This means it will not will include the current on the books ARR in the Live forecast.

    Please note that the rate calculator is always enabled (OTB values for ARR are used) and the value entered in the Pickup field for ARR applies only to the entered value in the Pickup column for Room nights.

    If the manual forecast method is enabled (A3), the rate pickup calculator can be enabled or disabled. Each property can decide what works best for them.

    The last saved setting is valid for all unsaved months thereafter.  

    If a specific month is changed which is prior to the last saved month as per above, the change to the setting applies only to that month.  

    Displaying ARR pickups

    Nothing is shown in the Pickup column for ARR if auto is enabled and the day is automatically updated.

    If a day is taken over by the user, the Pickup fields will be displayed only on the same level as the forecast is done. I.e. if segments are forecasted, nothing is shown in the ARR Pickup column on the total day level, only on segment level and vice versa if total level is forecasted.