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Update to NextGen Rooms live forecast page: Personal view options, Mar 2024

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The following changes only apply to the new view of Rooms live forecast which is currently in Pilot phase with selected properties. 

Personal view options update 

This is primarily an update to the UI and usability of the Personal view options window, which is accessed from the personal settings icon at the top of the page: 

Image: Personal view options in new Rooms live forecast, accessed from icon in top right.

The main changes to the view options: 

The recommended date period for Live forecast is a rolling 28-day period, ‘View last 1 week and next 3 weeks’.  This option can be set as a default in the view options for each time the user logs in.  

Options which are in the old PMI view settings of Rooms forecasting but not in the new Personal view options include ‘Show segments’ and ‘Segment Groups’. ‘Show segments’ is replaced by the ‘Expand all’ checkbox at the top of the data table. 

When choosing the segments to show in the data table, make the selection first and then click ‘Apply’ to update the data table.  This will improve performance of using this view option. 

No requirement to save changes to the data in the data table before changing your Personal view options.  

Click here to view the NexGen Rooms live forecast overview article.