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New page view of Rooms live forecast – Dec 2023

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This update is a new look and feel of the Live forecast page, along with some new features to help with the daily and monthly tasks of checking and updating the Rooms live forecast in PMI. This was released to pilot only in December of 2023 and will be rolled out further during 2024.  Properties that have access to this can switch between the old view and the new view in the Live forecast module (Rooms forecasting). 

User Interface changes 

  • Update of the UI for the data table view
  • Graph view of the Live forecast at a total or daily level 
  • Status summary graph for the selected period and overview chart of the next 12 months 
  • Update to how ARR pickup is displayed in the data table (both future and historic dates) 

New features 

This enhancement brings a number of new features to Live forecasting: 

  • Sense check function: Highlights days with unusual OTB or Live forecast values based on historic trends.  
  • New graphs depicting pickup statistics and OTB development within the Live forecast pages.  
  • Total edits function: Ability to make edits to the Live forecast at a total level for the selected period.  
  • Click to open an overview article of the NextGen Rooms live forecast page. 

Future releases 

New features and enhancements of this release are planned for 2024 and will include: 

  • Update to the Personal view options within the new page. 
  • Update to the Tools and Configuration settings within the new page, including the functions to Submit from Live forecast to Forecast or Budget.
  • Update to the Sense check feature to allow a quicker review of the alerts. 
  • Additional pickup statistic data within the Live forecast pages to give easier drill-down into these details. 

Please see NexGen Rooms live forecast overview for a full overview of the page.