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Rooms live forecast: monthly routine overview

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Each month, the Live forecast should be submitted to the Forecast. This ensure that the Forecast is up to date with the latest changes and expectations.


Step 1: Review the Live forecast

Review the next 3 months on the total level. See if things look as you expect them to, and compare them to the Forecast, Budget, PMI prediction and Prior year.


Step 2: Make adjustments

See if any changes need to be made and adjust as needed.


Step 3: Save and submit

To copy from Live forecast to Forecast, go to the Tools icon, then click Submit from Live forecast. Select Submit to Forecast for the next 3 months, then click Submit.

Remember to press Save when you have finished.


  • The Rooms live forecast should always be updated first, as most departments base their driver-based forecasts on the Rooms department forecast. Once this forecast is updated, then the other departments, for example, Breakfast, can begin to update their forecasts.