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Activity log overview

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What is the Activity log?

The Activity log provides an audit trail of the activity of each user within PMI at a property or chain. This includes viewing and updating of the different pages within PMI.

The Activity log can be used to verify by whom and when edits were made to certain sections of PMI, or to track which users are actively using PMI.

Users with Admin and HQ access rights are able to view this page.


View options

There are 6 columns: Date, User, Job title, Module, Org. unit and Action. Each column has a filter with a dropdown menu where you can select what you wish to view. Select the down arrow beside the filter icon to sort the rows A-Z. Click again to sort Z-A. In the Activity log search bar, you can search for anything on the table: action, user, property, etc. Only the relevant rows will be shown in the table. Select Reset table view at the top righthand side of the page to remove any filters or sorting that you have activated in the table.

You can select to view by Days, Date or Month. A maximum of twenty thousand rows will automatically populate. You can select Load more at the bottom righthand side of the page if more data is needed.

Group by day allows you to see which users were in PMI on any given day, and which modules they accessed. You can further expand each row to see each users’ individual activities.

Active users displays the number of users that logged in to PMI in the selected time period. Not logged in are the users with access to the selected property who did not log in during the time period selected.

Print to file

To export the data, select Download log, and the data that is visible on the page will be exported in the format selected.