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Operational status

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What is Operational status?

Its a status assigned to a property from a defined date (valid from date). It governs certain features in PMI like daily import, PMI Index, benchmarking calculation, file monitoring, maintenance of Live Forecast.

What is its purpose?

There are periods when a hotel closes completely and/or one or several departments. With this functionality, we can set different statuses to a property or a department to govern the correct functional behaviors and enforcement of routines. You can change the status to reflect the current state of affairs at the property, i.e., Business as usual, Terminated, Technical setup, Onboarding, and Temporarily closed. By maintaining the correct operational status it provides helpful context when analyzing historical data for the property (e.g. whether the operations may be temporarily closed).


Intended users and requirements

This functionality is accessible to HQ Administrator and d2o team. Please contact support on for more information.

How does it work?

Follow the instructions below by going to Advanced settings from the Home screen and choose Oper. status. It’s recommended writing in a note, point #4 so that you have details on the specifically assigned status. There are two statuses available to users: (1) “Business as usual“, the business is operating as normal, and (2) “Temporarily closed“, the business is closed for an unspecified or specified time.

Additionally, d2o support has access to change the property to one of the following statuses: (1) “Technical setup“, PMI is being configured to support the needs of the property,(2) “Terminated“, the PMI service has been discontinued and (3) “Onboarding” the users are being trained to use PMI.

This functionality also allows that the status appears on the Home screen in PMI. “Business as usual” will not display on the Home screen, however, all other statuses will be displayed so that all users are aware of the abnormal operational state.

  1. Click on Oper. status – this allows you to change the status of a property to reflect the current state of affairs.
  2. Assign operational status – this allows you to assign a status to reflect the state of an operation of a property from a specific point in time.
  3. Valid-from – click directly on the line or use the date picker to choose the valid-from date.
  4. Note – you can write a note to provide further context/background/purpose(optional)for future reference.
  5. Assign status -choose the current state of affairs at the property.
  6. Save – saves the status you chose, and it appears on the Home screen.
  7. Cancel – terminates the status you created and brings you back to the main screen.