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Planning Menu – Tools and View Options overview

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PMI Planning is found in the top menu, stated as “PMI Profit & Loss”. You will do all your budgeting and forecasting in the PMI Profit & Loss.       

Intended Users

GM, Controller, and Heads of Departments


  • Division − all departments are connected to a division in Planning.
  • Menu consists of:
    • Accounts, where you enter your budget or forecast.
    • Staff, when in a department with staff connected, the Staff module appears where the staff, hours and hourly rates are entered, depending on user rights.
    • Account Summary, which displays only the summaries for a quick overview.
    • Report, where you will find the reports set up for the property.
    • Versions − shows the version you are currently working in, versions are changed in the View Options menu under Displayed Data. See below.
    • Reference − if chosen in the View Options menu, the Reference will be to the right of the Version you are working in. This is for comparison reasons only.


  • Print To File – export to excel or PDF.
  • Extract Data – you may export your P&L Accounts from PMI to a csv/excel file. Depending what division you have chosen you may print either the entire account plan or a division/department. You may chose what you want to be extracted by ticking the tick boxes. In the box DR/CR sign you will get the extract with debit/credit or not. The Extract will include also Legal Entity Code if that has been entered at the setup of Planning and if the property is connected to PMI+. 
  • Account – add, remove accounts, find the department, sub category and the account you are looking for to add or remove. Please see the information below in regards to icon explanations.
  • Copy From Reference – Whatever is in the Reference column will be copied over to what you are working in. It will only be copied over if there is no calculation connected to that account. You will get a warning when pressing this button and will be asked if you really want to continue. This option could be useful when, for example, copying Budget to Forecast. Please see the article Copy From Reference for more information.
  • Copy Category – Copy categories including all accounts from one property to another (if connected to a hotel chain) or from one department to another department within the same property.
  • Status – This is where you set your forecast or budget to different status and where the forecast or budget are submitted. More information can be found here – How to approve a forecast or budget in PMI Submitting via Status is only possible to do from Accounts, not via the Status Tool in Accounts Summary and Reports.
  • Copy to R&P (Food Revenue/Food Cost) – This will copy the food revenue and food cost to R&P. When opened, you will have to choose from where (Sum), open the Sales and choose the revenue if you want to copy revenue over to R&P. Select Month (all or individual), Copy to (Food Revenue or Food Cost), and Budget or Forecast. If the number showed is negative you need to click the Amount (+/-) to turn the figures to positive.
  • Constant – Here you will insert constants to be used for both hotel chain level and property level. A constant is a key used to calculate, for example, cost of goods sold. When calculating salaries, constants are used for taxes, etc. Please see the separate chapter on constants, Accounts.
  • Refresh HQ Calc. – If connected to Profitbase and you have the correct user rights, this tool enables you to send information from Planning to Profitbase. It will only be visible if you are in the Live Budget/Target or WIP Forecast. If you are in a locked, submitted Budget/Target or WIP Forecast you will not have the opportunity to use the button. By hovering over the tool with you mouse you will see a time stamp from when last submitted.
  • Download/Upload − You can download the budget/forecast to excel for changes and upload again. It will not take calculations and constants into consideration. This is very beneficial to use when a property is new and wants to upload a Budget or Forecast for comparison only.
  • Account Templates & Categories − Edit or add a new Account Template to the property. Download an existing template and make changes to it, add accounts, delete accounts, etc. and upload it again to PMI.

View Options

View Options – Profit & Loss

  • Displayed Data – What are you working with. WIP stands for Work in Progress.
    Actual/Live Forecast – displays actual for months that have past and Live Forecast for current month and coming months.
    One can set an offset days in Advance Settings so until the actuals have been imported the past month will show Live Forecast. Same applies for Actual/WiP Forecast.
    Budget – displays the budget figures
    Forecast – displays the forecast figures
    Actual/WiP Forecast – displays actuals for months that have past and WiP Forecast for current and coming months.
  • Versions – Ability to display different version of Target/Budget/Forecast
  • Show Reference – This enables you to get a reference row at the right hand side of the Displayed Data. You have different choices depending on what you have chosen for Displayed Data.
  • Show Sub Categories – Enables you to see the Sub Categories.
    • Show Accounts With Zero Values – If not ticked, accounts with zero values will not be displayed.
    • Show Formula Details In Tooltip – Enables you to see the formulas in the account plan by moving the mouse over the formula calculation sign.
    • Hide Sub-Accounts – If enabled you will not see any sub-accounts in the account plan but only the main account.
    • Visible Categories – Enables you to choose which categories you want to display.