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Revise staff

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This summary will explain how to revise and add staff. 

Intended Users

Cockpit Owners


1. To add staff, enter the employee’s first name in the field on the left hand side. When you start typing, PMI does a search for matches in the database. If the person is already in the database, this will be presented in a pop-up menu and you can simply click on the name. 

2. If the person is not in the list, click outside of the cell when you have finished typing the name. Fill in the rest of the personnel information. 

PS! It is very important to include the correct employee number as this is the unique ID of all employees. 

It is possible to cross-schedule in PMI; so, to avoid double scheduling a worker on the same time, the only way for PMI to identify this person in another schedule is by employee number. 

If you tick the tick box Active, the worker will disappear from the schedule if no shifts are assigned, i.e they have left the company. The worker’s name will be in italics in the schedule if shifts are assigned and remain there until a new month with no shifts assigned. It will not be possible to find the worker using Search and Add Staff (1.) 

3. To remove a person from the list, click on the trash bin.

4. To change the sequence, use the arrows pointing up and down.

5. To change a person’s data or to deactivate a user, click on the pencil icon next to the person’s name.
