Revise staff
Add a new worker
- Click the Add staff field on the left and start typing the employee’s first name.
- If PMI finds a match, select it from the pop‑up.
- If no match appears, click outside the cell, then fill in all required details (make sure the Employee Number is correct — it’s your unique ID!).
Pro tip: Employee Number prevents accidental double‑booking across schedules.
Edit or reactivate a worker
- Click the pencil icon beside their name.
- Deactivate (hide): Tick the Active checkbox → the worker will vanish from scheduling pick‑lists (they’ll remain in italics on any existing shifts until the next month).
- Reactivate (show): Untick Active → restores them to all scheduling lists.
Delete a worker
- Click the trash‑bin icon beside their name.
- This permanently removes the profile from your schedule (past shift history remains in reports but cannot be restored).
Change display order
- Use the up/down arrows next to a name to move them higher or lower in the staff list.
Troubleshooting tips
This section provides additional troubleshooting advice for readers experiencing specific issues. While it’s packed with useful insights, you may skip it if you’re not facing any related problems.
Worker missing from your schedule?
- Hidden but history intact → Deactivated: Name won’t appear in pick‑lists, but past shifts still show in reports. Reactivate by ticking “Active.”
- Profile gone entirely → Deleted: Worker can’t be found or reactivated (past shift records remain in reports, but profile is permanently removed).
View option for information and calculation rows in the schedule
If you're having issues with the custom rows (information and calculation rows) in the PMI Schedule, here are some things to consider:
- Green Rows: The custom rows in PMI Schedule, both information and calculation rows, are displayed with a green background color. This is a design feature to help users easily identify these rows.
- Visibility Issues: If one user can see the green rows but another user cannot, it's likely due to the 'View Options' settings. Each user's view can be customized in PMI, and these settings can affect the visibility of the green rows. To ensure these rows are visible, check the 'View Options' settings and make sure the option to "Show information" rows is enabled.
- Access Rights: Remember, the ability to add or modify these custom rows might be restricted based on a user's access rights. Typically, users with administrative rights or specific departmental roles can add or modify these rows.
- Data Input: For information rows, you can manually input relevant data as a reference point when scheduling. For calculation rows, they are used to calculate the number of hours that will be needed, based on a specific rule. Make sure the data input is correct to ensure accurate calculations
Understanding Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) in PMI Scheduling
FTE, or Full-Time Equivalent, is a unit that measures employee workload. In PMI, FTEs can be displayed in the scheduling module instead of hours, providing a more intuitive understanding of staffing levels. The number of hours a FTE works per day can be set in the cockpit settings. The Staffing guide in PMI uses the determined FTE to suggest daily hours in 0.5 FTE increments, ensuring practical scheduling.
Role requirements to be able to adjust and update a schedule
If you want to change a schedule in PMI, you usually need to be a manager, like a Department Head or Front Office Manager. You can make these changes in the PMI scheduling module's cockpit, for both past and future schedules. Remember, you need to have cockpit owner or administrator rights to change Min/Max settings, which affect the SMART forecast and scheduling.
Invisible split shifts in schedule printouts without codes
If you're experiencing issues with split shifts not showing when printing the schedule without codes, it could be due to the level at which the shift code was created. Here's a brief troubleshooting guide:
- Check the Shift Code Level: If the shift code was created at the department level, it will only be visible within that specific department. This means that if an employee is working a split shift across multiple departments, the full details of her shift won't be visible in a single department's printout.
- Create Shift Code at Property Level: To view the times from other departments in the printout, the shift code must be created at the property level. This allows the shift code, and therefore the details of the split shift, to be visible across all departments.
- Adjust Print Settings: Ensure that your print settings are adjusted to include shift codes. This can be done in the Schedule module under the Tools menu.
- Verify the Printout: After making these adjustments, print the schedule again to verify that the split shifts are now visible .
Inability to edit data for a specific period
A "frozen" screen issue could be related to period locking. This would result in an inability to make any modifications to schedules, reports, or other entries for a specific period.
- Check the Period Locking Settings: This issue is often related to the period locking feature in the PMI system. When a period is locked, it prevents any changes from being made for that time frame. Check the period locking settings for the specific month to see if it has been mistakenly set to close.
- Unlock the Period: If the period for the specific month is locked, you will need to unlock it. This can be done by accessing the period locking settings in the PMI system. Double click on the padlock icon for the specific month to unlock the period. Note that you may need administrative rights to do this.
- Contact PMI Support: If the issue persists even after unlocking the period, or if you are unable to unlock the period due to lack of permissions, contact the PMI support team for further assistance.
Getting started
- Arrivals/Departures
- Data elements required from PMS
- Manual Export PMS – Fidelio
- How to do a manual PMS export from Opera
- Manual Export PMS – Picasso
- Manual Export PMS – Protel
- Manual Export PMS – Spirit Web
- PMS – Cenium
- PMS – Citybreak
- PMS – Fidelio
- PMS – Opera
- PMS – Protel
- How to do a manual PMS export from HotSoft
Video tutorials
- Administration Labor cockpit [14:49]
- Bar and Pub Labor cockpit [12:21]
- Breakfast Labor cockpit [12:05]
- Consolidated view in Benchmarking and Management Perspective [3:20]
- Flash Report Onboarding [6:27]
- Flash report overview [2:25]
- Food cost cockpit [6:21]
- Kitchen Labor cockpit [11:28]
- Labor Cockpit Onboarding [18:16]
- Labor cockpit overview [3:12]
- Live forecast 1/5 navigation [5:05]
- Live Forecast 2/5 Rooms [5:05]
- Live forecast 3/5 meeting & event [5:40]
- Live forecast 4/5 food & beverage [6:11]
- Live forecast 5/5 breakfast [7:19]
- Live forecast onboarding [6:06]
- Live forecast overview [2:58]
- Management perspective overview [3:06]
- P&L Planning 1/10 Purpose and benefits [2:25]
- P&L Planning 10/10 How to approve forecast and budget or target [2:34]
- P&L Planning 2/10 Navigation [4:26]
- P&L Planning 3/10 How to build a total [4:29]
- P&L Planning 4/10 Three ways of inserting figures [4:32]
- P&L Planning 5/10 How to add a sub account [1:42]
- P&L Planning 6/10 How to build a constant [2:42]
- P&L Planning 7/10 Staff module [2:48]
- P&L Planning 8/10 How to add a staff member [1:33]
- P&L Planning 9/10 How to revise and submit a forecast [3:01]
- PMI Planning Staff Module Overview [3:07]
- Repair and Maintenance Labor cockpit [13:01]
- Restaurant Labor cockpit [12:30]
- Schedule 1/8 Navigation [5:12]
- Schedule 2/8 How to create a labor cockpit schedule [4:29]
- Schedule 3/8 How to add a team member [2:07]
- Schedule 4/8 How to create a shift code [3:30]
- Schedule 5/8 How to add shift codes to team members [3:41]
- Schedule 6/8 How to create a rotating schedule [3:20]
- Schedule 7/8 How to replace shift codes for a period [2:00]
- Schedule 8/8 How to create split shifts between departments [2:42]
- Stewarding Labor cockpit [11:38]
- Timesheet Onboarding [4:14]
- Show all articles ( 26 ) Collapse Articles
- Articles coming soon
- Administration Labor cockpit [14:49]
- Bar and Pub Labor cockpit [12:21]
- Breakfast Labor cockpit [12:05]
- Food cost cockpit [6:21]
- Front office Labor cockpit [12:05]
- Housekeeping Labor cockpit [11:20]
- Kitchen Labor cockpit [11:28]
- Labor Cockpit Onboarding [18:16]
- Labor cockpit overview [3:12]
- Repair and Maintenance Labor cockpit [13:01]
- Restaurant Labor cockpit [12:30]
- Schedule 1/8 Navigation [5:12]
- Schedule 2/8 How to create a labor cockpit schedule [4:29]
- Schedule 3/8 How to add a team member [2:07]
- Schedule 4/8 How to create a shift code [3:30]
- Schedule 5/8 How to add shift codes to team members [3:41]
- Schedule 6/8 How to create a rotating schedule [3:20]
- Schedule 7/8 How to replace shift codes for a period [2:00]
- Schedule 8/8 How to create split shifts between departments [2:42]
- Stewarding Labor cockpit [11:38]
- Timesheet Onboarding [4:14]
- Show all articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
- How to create a pre-populated new plan for Budget or Forecast [3:02]
- How to edit a plan [3:52]
- P&L Planning 1/10 Purpose and benefits [2:25]
- P&L Planning 10/10 How to approve forecast and budget or target [2:34]
- P&L Planning 2/10 Navigation [4:26]
- P&L Planning 3/10 How to build a total [4:29]
- P&L Planning 4/10 Three ways of inserting figures [4:32]
- P&L Planning 5/10 How to add a sub account [1:42]
- P&L Planning 6/10 How to build a constant [2:42]
- P&L Planning 7/10 Staff module [2:48]
- P&L Planning 8/10 How to add a staff member [1:33]
- P&L Planning 9/10 How to revise and submit a forecast [3:01]
- PMI GoGreen - Cockpit overview [2:49]
- How to create a pre-populated new plan for Budget or Forecast [3:02]
- PMI GoGreen - Water [3:04]
- PMI GoGreen - Missed opportunities [2:57]
- PMI GoGreen - Register actual consumption [2:24]
- PMI GoGreen -Towels & linens [3:02]
- PMI GoGreen - How to prevent food waste [3:03]
- PMI GoGreen - How to reduce energy waste [3:08]
- PMI GoGreen - Waste [3:04]
PMI Release notes
- GoGreen Task Bank and Cockpit enhancements - 12.24
- Express planner enhancement 12.24
- Refrigerants and Fuel Tracking for GoGreen cockpits enhancement - 11.24
- KPI targets enhancement - 10.24
- Automatic renewal of constants enhancement - 10.24
- GoGreen manual entry enhancement - 10.24
- CO2 factors enhancement - 09.24
- KPI targets enhancement - 07.24
- NextGen Rooms Live forecast statistics and pickup data enhancement - 07.24
- Date picker enhancement - 07.24
- Update to NextGen Rooms Live forecast - 06.24
- P&L planning accounts enhancement - 06.24
- Weather normalization enhancement - 05.24
- Update to NextGen Rooms Live forecast page: Sense check updates - 05.24
- PMI adoption index enhancement - 05.24
- PMI adoption index enhancements - April 2024
- Consolidation OTB enhancement - April 2024
- Update to NextGen Rooms live forecast page: Personal view options, Mar 2024
- User administration enhancements March 2024
- GM daily digest enhancement March 2024
- PMI Index calculation updates for 2024
- KPI targets enhancement February 2024
- KPI targets enhancement - January 2024
- Show all articles ( 8 ) Collapse Articles
- GoGreen benchmarking enhancement - 01.23
- GoGreen index calculation enhancement - 04.23
- PMI adoption index: Help videos for measurements enhancement - 02.23
- Activity log enhancement - 07.23
- Arrivals and departures forecast enhancement - 02.23
- KPI upload tool enhancement - 08.23
- GoGreen Food waste cockpit enhancement - 08.23
- GoGreen Doing cockpit enhancement - 06.23
- Benchmarking: PMI Index value updates based on time period selected - 06.23
- GoGreen cockpit: Highlight months missing data on 12 month graph - 07.23
- KPI targets enhancement - 01.23
- Goal distribution tool enhancement - 09.23
- Live forecast enhancement: Editing ARR values -12.23
- User administration release note - 12.23
- New page view of Rooms live forecast - 12.23
- Benchmarking calculation enhancement - 03.22
- Enhancement to add department type in the P&L report - 03.22
- Print all unmapped accounts on chain level - 03.22
- Printing to Excel and PDF enhancement - 03.22
- Introduction to PMI enhancement
- Room Live forecast – Change to pickup fields - 04.22
- Import status enhancement - 09.22
- Information/calculation rows in PMI schedule - 09.22
- Export to Google Sheets enhancement - 08.22
- PMI Advanced settings – Period locking - 06.22
- GM daily digest enhancements - 09.22
- PMI adoption index: Option to filter and export scores enhancement - 12.22
- Profit center Live forecast: Automatically switch between OTB and revenue driver
- SMART Forecast enhancement - 09.22
- Onboarding roles overview
- Onboarding roles – Breakfast
- Onboarding roles – Finance
- Onboarding roles – Food cost
- Onboarding roles – Front Office
- Onboarding roles – Housekeeping
- Onboarding roles – Kitchen
- Onboarding roles – Restaurant and Meeting & Event
- Onboarding roles – Stewarding
- Onboarding roles – Repair and Maintenance
- GM Introduction to PMI
- Onboarding roles – Bar and Pub
- Onboarding roles – Administration
GM's corner
PMI homepage
PMI planning
- Setting productivity targets and hours
- How to work with Rooms Budget and forecast
- How to work with non-rooms Budget and forecast
- Use Forecast/Budget hours from Cockpit in P&L Staff module
- Express planner overview
- How the Express planner works
- Express planner: Settings explanation
- How to input a budget in PMI
- Setting productivity targets in PMI
- Accounts overview
- How to populate and edit accounts
- How to approve a forecast or budget in PMI
- How to copy from reference
- How to edit and update using the staffing tool
- How to make a profit forecast
- How to set up a weekly Live forecast
- How to add a comparison year in P&L
- How to modify a P&L report
- Planning Menu – Tools and View Options overview
- Planning staff module overview
- How to build a report
- How to add staff and manage staff cost
- Staffing screen overview
- How to input a budget in PMI
- Labor cockpit overview
- Labor Cockpit Preparations
- Labor cockpit cost driver
- SMART forecast explained
- How does SMART allocate daily hours?
- Using arrivals and departures as a cost driver
- Closing Profit Center or Cockpit
- How to work with labor cost
- Min/Max explanation
- Parent and sub-cockpits explained
- Staffing guide explained
- How to calulate arrivals and departures in the Labor cockpit
- Daily and weekly routines for department heads
- Understanding the importance of including outsourced labor hours in PMI
- Labor cockpit schedule
- How to make a schedule
- How to revise a schedule
- PMI Schedule: Information, Calculation rows explanation
- Predefined shift codes
- Printing a schedule
- Revise staff
- Schedule 1/8 Navigation [5:12]
- Schedule 2/8 How to create a labor cockpit schedule [4:29]
- Schedule 3/8 How to add a team member [2:07]
- Schedule 4/8 How to create a shift code [3:30]
- Schedule 5/8 How to add shift codes to team members [3:41]
- Schedule 6/8 How to create a rotating schedule [3:20]
- Schedule 7/8 How to replace shift codes for a period [2:00]
- Schedule 8/8 How to create split shifts between departments [2:42]
- Scheduling
- Split Shifts Between Departments
- The Schedule Tools & View menu
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
Live forecast
- Live forecast overview
- How to set up a Live forecast: configuration settings
- Live forecast tools and personal view settings
- PMI prediction explained
- Pickup explanation
- Profit center Live forecast: Automatically switch between OTB and revenue driver
- Revenue driver explained
- Segment OTB
- Submit Live Forecast to Forecast (monthly routine)
- NextGen Rooms Live forecast overview
- Rooms Live forecast: Weekly routine overview
- Rooms live forecast: How to work with auto Live forecast
- NextGen Rooms live forecast: Personal view options
- Rooms Live forecast: Sense check mode explained
- How pickup fields are displayed and used in Room live forecast
Data analysis views
- Comparative data explained
- Data table general explained
- Formula/Calculations explained
- Goal charts and YoY comparison explained
- GoGreen Learning page overview
- How to edit a GoGreen plan
- How to set up a Plan
- Intro to NextGen GoGreen Planning
- Main chart explained
- Plan values explained
- Save changes button explained
- Sense check mode explained
- Unit price explained
- Volume/usage/consumption explained
- How to do a monthly forecast routine in NextGen Planning
- How the GoGreen targets are calculated
- Show all articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- GoGreen Doing Cockpit overview
- GoGreen index overview
- GoGreen benchmarking enhancement - 01.23
- GoGreen index: How are the measurements calculated?
- GoGreen Learning page overview
- Useful links for sustainability and environmental management best practice
- GoGreen targets explanation
- How to make a manual entry in a GoGreen cockpit
- Weather normalization explained
- Weather normalization overview
- GoGreen home page overview
- CO2 factors overview
- How can I see the hours that are imported to PMI?
- How do I enter the rates?
- How do I know if I am scheduling according to activity?
- How does PMI summarize the hours?
- How is productivity calculated?
- What are fixed hours?
- What are productive and non-productive hours?
- What are the rates and how are they calculated?
- What is a cost driver?
- What is min/max hours?
- Why do the planned hours in the Timekeeping System (TKS) not match PMI?
- Why is the total number of hours for the month too low/high?
- What is SMART?
- How do I estimate my Closing Inventory?
- My food cost % is wrong (too high/low). Why is that?
- My turnover days are set to 32. What does that mean?
- What are my routines in the Food cost cockpit?
- What do I enter in the Purchase column?
- What is opening and closing stock?
- What is the recommended number of turnover days?
- What is turnover days and how is it calculated?
- Where do I change my food cost forecast?
- Why is opening and closing stock important?
- Can one employee work in two departments?
- How do I add a shift code?
- How do I copy hours into the unspecified row (Timekeeping system excluded)
- How do I create a rotating schedule?
- How do I make a new schedule?
- How do I navigate the tools in the schedule?
- What are timekeeping system (TKS) excluded hours for?
- How do I add a schedule to my cockpit?
- Do I have to change my budget & forecast manually every month?
- How can I see what the current cost driver is?
- How do I set a productivity goal?
- How does the cost driver effect my hours and productivity?
- Where can I find the upload function?
- Why are my budget and forecast locked?
- What is Room revenue planning?
- How do I copy to Live forecast?
- How do I submit my Live forecast to forecast?
- How do I reset the pickup for a full month?
- Why do I have a red triangle to the left of the date?
- What are Pickup statistics?
- What are covers?
- What are the seasons in PMI?
- What do the pickups show and why are they sometimes negative?
- What is a revenue driver?
- What is the difference between Forecast and Live forecast?
- Why does on the books in PMI not match what we have in our PMS?
- How do I calculate ARR and ADR?
- Can I edit the figures in the Flash report?
- Different view options in the Flash report
- How am I performing compared to my forecast/budget/last year?
- How can I print the report?
- How can I switch between viewing daily and monthly figures?
- How do I check what segments add to the total daily figure?
- How do I edit my covers?
- Why are my room/guest nights wrong?
- What is the Flash Report
- Why is my revenue wrong?
- How is the month-to-date forecast and budget calculated in the Flash report?
- Why are the numbers in the Flash report different from the Live forecast?
- Where can I see account mapping details?
- How do I know if the mapping is correct?
- How do I know where accounts should go in PMI?
- How do I map the categories in the timekeeping system (TKS)?
- I cannot see my department in Timekeeping System (TKS) mapping. How do I see it?
- There is a position missing in the Timekeeping system mapping. How can I fix this?
- What are Categories in PMI Timekeeping system?
- What is Departments in Timekeeping system (TKS) mapping?
- What is mapping accounts?
- What is mapping – timekeeping system?
General user knowledge
Access system
d2o team only
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
PMI adoption index