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Min/Max explanation

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What is Min/Max?

MIN/MAX hours is a setting in the labor cockpits in PMI.

It allows you to manually set a minimum and maximum number of hours to be scheduled each day of the week for your department. Exceptions can be added holidays and fixed dates.

What is its purpose?

Setting Min/Max hours correctly allows the SMART forecast to suggest more realistic distribution of daily hours. SMART will always always forecast within the set Min/Max boundaries.

For example, if there is a 24 hour reception desk, you always need a staff member working regardless of number of guests staying so minimum daily staffing should be 24 hours, and you have a maximum of 2 staff working at the reception desk at any time so the max should be 48 hours.

You can also set exceptions for holidays. For example if you are closed at Christmas you can set Min/Max to 0 and SMART will not set any hours for those days.

How to adjust Min/Max settings?

Access the settings via the tools icon in the cockpit. User rights as cockpit owner or administrator are needed to adjust Min/Max settings.  Changes you make will affect the current and future years, but not the years passed.

The Default settings will be applied to all periods, unless you have set an exception for a holiday. To edit the hours, select the pen icon at the end of the row. To enable maximum hours select the check box ‘Max Enable’. Input the required values and select ‘Save/Update’.

To adjust hours for a holiday, select the tick box, and click on the pen icon to edit the hours.

Hover over the holiday name to check the date range that is being referred to.

Select the settings wheel to copy min/max settings from others already set. In Default, you may copy from forecast/budget and other years. In Holidays, you may copy from forecast/budget, year and other holidays.