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How to build a report

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It is possible to select different reports, depending on the setup of the property in Planning. Reports may be built up by the user with correct user rights or created by d2o at set up of property in PMI. If connected to Profitbase, the reports in Profitbase will be available in PMI in the drop list.

Intended Users

GM, Controller and Heads of Departments.


Access Reports from the top menu.


You may also edit or add reports to your property. Under Tools, you go into Reports. This part is restricted to User Rights.  



Even if the Status tool is available in the Report module and Account Summary module, the Submit option will only be available from the Accounts module.

View Options

Depending on what report you are looking at, under View Options you have the option to alter the display of the report. You may look at departments, months, show percentage.

  • Departments/Properties − this option allows you to, within your property, show more information in the report. If connected to a chain, and with the correct user rights, this also allows you to see all properties in one report.
  • Months − if not ticked, you will get a total for the period chosen.
  • Show % − adds a column with percentage comparison.
  • Report Content – here you can add columns to the report. Click the pen and add by pressing the + sign, remove by pressing the – sign.
    If chosen “Actual” the past month will display actual figures depending on the offset days setting in Advance Settings. See Planning Menu.
  • Deviation – this will appear when you in Report Content (see below) and have chosen to compare by deviations.

You may edit the reports however you want to; for example, add comparison. You do this in View Options.

  1. Click the pen
  2. In the dropdown list you have several choice to add columns you want to see. You click the + to add the choice.
  3. Should you like to compare columns you click “Deviation” before you click the + sign to add the choice.

The Deviation will always be to the first (1st) column that is not a deviation before the deviation choice.

So if you have several choice as example below you see what is compared to what.

For the following example, the content (b) will compare to (a), content (e) will compare to (c).

a. Actual

b. Budget (deviation)

c. Forecast

d. Budget YTD

e. Forecast YTD (deviation)
