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PMI R&P Best Practice

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How to work in PMI?

The tasks in PMI follow the Adaptive Resource Management framework (ARM), which focuses on managing resources in a constantly changing environment. 

To get the most out of PMI, tasks within each of the 5 ARM steps will need to be completed. Depending on your chain, the exact tasks, deadline and responsible persons may vary, but the general flow of PMI remains the same. Read through the below steps, key tasks and recommended best practise for a successful implementation of PMI.

You can track how well your property is following these best practices by using the PMI adoption index as seen in the image below.


ARM – Plan: Set your monthly targets 

  1. Update room revenue forecasts  
    1. This should be done first as the Room forecast forms the base for all other forecasts in PMI since revenue drivers generally are built upon expected room and guest occupancy. 
    2. Responsible person: Revenue manager/Controller/GM depending on property set-up. 
  2. Update F&B and other revenue forecasts 
    1. Responsible person: Revenue manager/F&B manager/Controller/GM depending on property set-up. 
  3. Update labor forecasts 
    1. This is done by setting a monthly productivity/hours forecast for each department in PMI. 
    2. Responsible person: Department heads.

Example calendar for monthly forecasting in PMI (the below dates and responsible persons are suggestive only – check with your chain for their standard operating procedure) 

  1. 20th – Update Room forecast for next (3-15) months by copying Live forecast to Forecast 
  2. 21st – Other forecasting, F&B and Other for next (3-15) months months by copying Live forecast to Forecast  
  3. 22nd — Review and, if needed adjust productivity/hours forecast for next 2 months
  4. 23rd – 25th Review forecasts together with GM – if needed, make any adjustments and approve 

        ARM – Do: Ongoing management of resources 

        1. Review and, if needed update Live forecast for each department 
          1. The Live forecast updates daily based on OTB data received. This should be regularly reviewed and manually adjusted if needed. 
          2. Update frequency: 2 times a week 
          3. Responsible person: Revenue manager/Controller/GM depending on property set-up. 
        2. Review and, if needed update staff schedules according to SMART using the labor cockpit
          1. Update frequency: Daily 
          2. Responsible person: Department heads 
        3. Record food cost in the food cost cockpit
          1. Update frequency: Weekly 
          2. Responsible person: Head chef 
          3. If applicable – not all properties use this feature. 
        4. Review GoGreen resources and committed tasks 
          1. Update frequency: Weekly 
          2. Responsible person: Maintenance manager 
          3. If applicable – not all properties use this feature.
          4. Monitor: Track progress – are you on track to meet the monthly forecasts? 

        ARM – Monitor: Track progress to monthly forecast

        1. Review GM daily digest daily to monitor progress against forecasts set 
          1. This will give oversight of what happened yesterday, and flag any areas that are at risk of not meeting the targets set. Look at the Management perspective for more detailed information. 
          2. Responsible person: GM 
        2. Weekly PMI meeting 
          1. Meeting with heads of departments to review progress, discuss issues and agree actions to ensure the monthly forecasts are met. 
          2. Responsible person: GM 

        ARM – Evaluate & Learn: Review last months result 

        1. Use Management perspective to compare Actuals vs. Forecast 
          1. Consider reasons for any discrepancies 
          2. Agree new actions/adjustments needed to improve for future months 
          3. Responsible person: GM 
        2. Evaluate revenue forecasting accuracy 
          1. Compare actual result to the monthly forecast 
          2. Consider reasons for any discrepancies 
          3. Agree new actions/adjustments needed to improve forecasting accuracy for future months 
          4. Responsible person: Revenue manager/controller/GM 
        3. Evaluate labor productivity 
          1. Compare actual schedule to the monthly forecast 
          2. Consider reasons for any discrepancies 
          3. Agree new actions/adjustments needed to improve productivity for future months 
          4. Responsible person: Department heads 

        ARM – Adjust: Implement actions based on what was learned in the previous steps 

        1. Implement adjustments on areas identified in the previous month.
        2. Continue to monitor and evaluate how effective these changes are.

        Following these steps within your property will help you gain the most possible value from PMI.

        Helpful hints and tips

        Video tutorials for each module in PMI are available directly from the page. Just click the blue icon on the top left of the page to view the videos available to watch.

        A chatbot is also available by clicking the PIA chat icon at the top right of the screen. Here you can ask questions as you work. The chatbot willl provide answers and links to relevant materials where appropriate. If your question is not answered you can send the question direct to support who will answer via email.

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        Tooltips and cell info. Most functionalities and cells of information contain tooltips (for functionalities) or cell info (brief description of the data). Simply place the cursor on top of the cell or functionality to retrieve more information.


        Here is more information about Adaptive Resource Management framework