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GoGreen home page overview

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The GoGreen home page is designed to give a quick overview of how the team is progressing toward environmental and sustainability targets, and whether they are adopting best practices. It also provides you with navigation points to the GoGreen Adoption index and cockpits and gives quick visibility of key information including the current month’s consumption status of each cockpit and the GoGreen index score.

Image: The GoGreen home screen in PMI

What’s on the page?

1. GoGreen Index

The GoGreen index indicates how well you are adopting GoGreen best practices to effectively manage your resources and consumption. The goal is a score of 8 out of 10 or above.

The progress ring is color coded:

        • Green = Index is 8.0 or above. Good use of GoGreen.
        • Orange = Index is between 5.0 and 8. Some progress has been made.
        • Red = Index below 5.0. GoGreen is not used as intended.

Click on the tile to go directly to the GoGreen dashboard.

2. Green impact YTD vs LY

This tile shows:

        • The amount of CO2 consumption in tons.
        • The difference in consumption from current year to date to the same period last year. This is calculated using the figures in ‘Cost’ view in the GoGreen learning cockpit. 

If consumption is less than last year, it will be in blue. If consumption is more than last year, it will be in red. 

        • The number of trees that have been saved. This is calculated by:

Trees = Sum CO2 ton multiplied with 15 = 1 trees (factor 15 per ton CO2) 240 tCO2 = (240×15) 3,600 trees

Click here for more details on this calculation. Reference: EPA

3. CO2 emissions progress bar

This tile shows how you are pacing month to date and year to date. Hover over the bar to see the actual values.

The CO2 emission target is based on the target for consumption reduction set by your head office.

4. Guest satisfaction

Here you can see the guest satisfaction rating on a scale of 1 – 10. An average of the ratings received month to date is compared to the same period last year.

The scores are provided by Loopon and are updated daily. If you do not have an integration with Loopon, this widget will not be available.

5. Cockpits

Each GoGreen cockpit, including individual energy cockpits, have their own tile with progress bar displaying your performance vs the target. Click the tile to be taken directly to that cockpit.