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CO2 factors overview

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The CO2 factors module is where you can update and manage CO2 factors as part of environmental management. Updating these factors is necessary for CO2 emissions to be displayed in PMI GoGreen, and for using the Goal distribution tool to set environmental goals.

Intended users: This module is for sustainability team members who are responsible for environmental management.

Access rights: GG Goal distribution tool


Image description: Main menu with navigation to CO2 factor module.

Navigate to the CO2 factors module by going to Advanced settings in the main menu, then select CO2 factors from the row.


View options

Set up CO2 factors

Image description: Set up CO2 factors pop-up window

Click the Set up CO2 factors button to select the method you prefer PMI to use when calculating CO2 in GoGreen cockpits, KPI targets and Goal distribution tool. Location-based is the default method.


Property and Group

Image description: Property and Group view options in the CO2 factor module
  1. Select the property or group that you wish to view. 
  2. Use the toggles to sort the list from A-Z or Z-A.  
  3. The property can also be found using the 5-digit code if the name is unknown.  
  4. Select to view all or specific properties.  
  5. Use the toggle to view, select and deselect the properties in a group.  
  6. Select Clear filter to remove all filters.  
  7. Select Apply filter when finished.  


Image description: Resource selection menu

Select the resource you wish to view from the dropdown menu. Resources highlighted in red indicate missing CO2 factors. Resources highlighted in amber indicate outdated CO2 factors. Hover over the resource to see how many properties need updating.   


Resource type

Image description: Resource sub-catebory menu

Select Resource type to filter by sub-category. Select the sub-category you wish to see and select Apply filter. The resource type menu corresponds to the chosen main resource.  

Calculation method

Image description: Calculation method menu options

Select the calculation method you wish to view. Market-based, Location-based or both can be chosen. Location-based is the default view.  

  • Market-based CO2 factors refer to the carbon emissions values calculated using emission rates from specific electricity suppliers, utilities, or contractual agreements, rather than a general regional or national average.  
  • Location-based CO2 factors are carbon emissions values calculated based on the average emissions intensity of the electricity grid in a specific geographical location or region.


CO2 factors 

Image description: The view options for CO2 factors

CO2 factors can be viewed in grams, kg or ton per unit. The units will be relevant to the resource selected.  

 Date range 

Image description: Date range selector in CO2 factors

The From and To columns show the date range set for the CO2 factors. Use the toggles to view in ascending or descending order.  


Edit CO2 factors 

Image description: Edit, add and view pop up
  1. If you have added a source when importing / loading the CO2 factor, it will be displayed here. 
  2. Click the toggle to the unlock position.  
  3. Click the pencil to open the editing pop-up. 
  4. Make the change you require to the CO2 factor and click Save.  


View history 

Image description: View history column in CO2 factors

If more than one CO2 factor has been uploaded per property and resource, clicking on the View history icon will list them all below each other.  

Click the trash icon to delete a row.  

*View history must be clicked to view the trash can.  


Add new value 

Image description: Pop up to allow a new value to be added

To add a new value, click on the plus icon in the row you wish to add the new factor to, to open the pop-up window.  

  • The default unit of measurement for the new value will be the one selected in the CO2 factors column, but this can be changed in the dropdown menu.  
  • A CO2 factor must be added. If the unit type is changed after adding a CO2 factor, the CO2 factor will automatically adjust to the new unit of measurement selected.  
      • If the CO2 factor is 1500, and the unit type is Grams per KG, and then KG per KG is selected, the CO2 factor will adjust to 1.5 to reflect the KG unit of measurement. 
  • If you want to add a decimal place, a period must be used. No commas can be used in the CO2 factor field.  
  • The new “From” date will automatically be set to the first day after the expiration of the previous CO2 factor. If the previous “To” date was 31 Dec 2028, then the new “From” date will be set to 1 Jan 2029. The default length of time will be 2 years. 
  • The “To” date must always be greater than the “From” date.  
  • If a new CO2 factor is added to a property for the first time, the default length of time will be two years from the day it was set up. This can be changed manually if desired.  
  • A CO2 factor cannot be added for a period and resource that has an existing factor. The old factor must be deleted before a new one can be added.  



Image description: The export function in CO2 factors

Click the Export icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page to open with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Only the data that is visible on the page will be exported. Make sure that you are viewing the correct resource and resource type that you wish to export.   


Image description: Uploading files in the Data upload centre

Click the Import icon to open a new tab which takes you to the Data upload center. You can download a CO2 factors upload template or use a previously exported CO2 factors sheet.  

  1. Fill in the template with your data, then go to the Import Files tab to upload. There are 2 methods:  
    1. Drag and drop the file into the grey box. 
    2. Click on the grey box to open the File Explorer. Navigate to the folder where the file is saved, select it, and click “Open.” 
  2. Click “Next” in the bottom right corner to preview the data. 
  3. Preview and verify the data, then click “Next”.  
  4. Choose the transaction type corresponding to your uploaded file’s data.  
  5. Select a mapping: 
    1. Choose an existing mapping, or 
    2. Creating a new mapping. If you create a new mapping, give it a unique name. 
  6. Assign the fields in your upload file to specified PMI fields.  
  7. Review your mapping, click “Save” and “Next”, and validate that the data is correct.  


See here for more information on uploading files in the Data upload center.