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Manual Export PMS – Protel

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Night audit from Protel to PMI

Report 1: Revenue

1. Log in to Protel, selectA. OfficeB. ReportC. 423 – Accounting Report (history)

2. Select yesterday’s date in the fields “From time” and “To time”. If tonight is the night of 16.09.2006, the selected date should be 15.09.2006 in both “From date” and “To date” fields (night driving from yesterday).:: Click on OK

3. Click on the envelope with a red arrow on it to export the file.A. In the export image that pops up, click on the format field and select Tab-Separated textB. Click OK
4. Click save the imageA. Select Q disk (shared directory on mother \ Users), then drill down into the data folder, on down to dormidocmi and eventually into the Data folder.B. In the image filename type REV and the abbreviation for yesterday’s date (DDMMYYYY). If we created the file 18.09.2006 shall stand REV18092006 here.C. Click Save. PS! If prompted to overwrite the file that is there already, then yes.


Report 2: Occupancy

1. Select a Report2. Click on Hotel Status.

3. In Hotel Status image that is presented, select:A. In a field of date shall be one month ago. If it’s the 16.09.2006 at day shall there be 16.08.06 in this field.B. In the field to date shall be 31.12 for next year. For all of 2006 should be 31.12.07 in this field (in 2007, it should be 31/12/08, etc.).C. Check that the “special treatment” is NOT ticked, while the “Calculate detailed …” should be checked.D. Click the View
4. In the Report Selection field that appears click OK (field 141 – Hotel status will be shown in blue).
5. Click on the envelope with a red arrow in order to export the file.A. In the export image that pops up, click on the format field and select Tab-Separated textB. Click OK
6. Click save the image, select Q disk (shared directory on mother \ Users), then drill down into the data folder, on down to dormidocmi and eventually into the Data folder.A. The file name should be HSTAT2B. Click OK.

PS! If prompted to overwrite the file that is there already, select yes