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Step 2 – Set up and Integration

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Below are some important actions that needs to be looked at as soon as possible for us to be able to setup PMI for your hotel.

1. Configuration Sheet

This is for us to understand how your property is set up. Please fill in as soon as possible and submit. Once opened and started to be filled in it is not possible to save the questionnaire so have a look at it and prepare the answers before your start entering it to the site. If you have any problems or other questions please do not hesitate to contact your BRE contact.
Configuration Sheet

2. Users in PMI

This is to collect users in PMI from you. A user in PMI is normally all management of the hotel including head of departments and assistant head of departments.
Download the file below, populate and send to

Download the “Upload Users” xlsx file

If downloading of the file does not work then please use the link below and add users directly online:
Add PMI Users form

3. History to be imported to PMI

PMI requires history data, when available, to use both in the PMI forecasting algorithms and as well for comparison of last year to this year data.

  • Daily Room Revenue
  • Daily Room Nights
  • Daily Guest Nights
  • Daily F&B Revenue per outlet
  • Daily Covers (if working with covers)
  • Daily Other Revenue

This data needs to be on segment level (if used) and from January last year. There are different ways to pull this data and export it to PMI. Either directly from the PMS or from an accounting system. Discuss with your BRE consultant how to do this for your property.

PMI also requires how many hours were used at each department up until yesterday. If integrated with a Time Keeping System this data can often be imported, if not there are other ways to import this data.

  • Worked productive/non productive hours per department per day from January last year

4. Integration with PMS (property management system)

PMI needs daily feed from your PMS with the following information:

  • Yesterdays room revenue per segment
  • Yesterdays room nights per segment
  • Yesterdays guest nights per segment
  • Yesterdays revenue per profit center on segment level
  • Rooms on the books data per segment, including room nights and revenue, from today and 365 days into the future
  • Meeting & Events on the books data per segment, from today and 365 days into the future
  • Arrivals & Departure rooms nights for 14 days back and 30 days future dates
  • Yesterdays Food Covers per outlet

PMI has existing integration with several different PMS already, discuss with your BRE consultant how to set this up.
In this link you can find the PMI requirement for integration with a PMS.

5. Integration with TKS (time keeping system)

PMI need daily feed from your TKS, this is to feed the cockpits with hours

  • 30 days history productive and non productive hours from each department at the hotel
  • Future schedules, productive and non productive hours, from “today” and preferably 30-90 days in the future
    When integration is setup we would ask the supplier for history hours for past year per department per day. See point 3 above.

PMI has existing integration with several different PMS already, discuss with your BRE consultant how to set this up.
In this link you can find the PMI requirement for integration with a TKS.

6. Budget & Forecast current year

PMI need your budget and forecast data for the current year broken down as below:

  • Room Revenue per segment
  • Room Nights per segment
  • Guest Nights per segment
  • Revenue per profit center per segment (if used)
  • Covers per profit center
  • Labor hours per department
  • Labor cost per department

BRE consultant will send an excel file specific to the hotel that have to be populated with the above figures. The budget and forecast is collected on monthly totals. If Budget is done for next year this should also be uploaded to PMI.