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Do I have to change my budget & forecast manually every month?

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The budget should be uploaded/entered once a year while the Forecast should be updated every month. Below are some steps on how to update the budget or Forecast:


  • Uploading your budget and Forecast – Upload actuals, budget and forecast is a helpful article for more information.
  • Live Forecast -> Budget: Taking data from the Live forecast to budget is considered best practice.

Optimally, you will already have a 12+ months Live forecast that can be submitted to budget just like the Forecast is submitted every month. Check that the monthly revenue figures per department and month correspond with what you plan for your budget for next year.

Use the PMI Flash Report with year view, to check total revenue.

Under Submit several Live Forecasts (available from tools menu you can choose to submit to Forecast or budget. Remember to set next year as the period, select “all months” and “total” before you submit with the green button. Save.


  • Revenue Budgets can also be entered manually into the PMI Budget & Forecast module per department and month (main menu -> budget & forecast). Please note that segments must be opened from view options, in the departments where segments are used.