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Mapping rules explained

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What are mapping rules?

Mapping rules are designed to help users avoid the most common mapping errors by providing good and viable options.

Predefined, generic mapping rules can prevent “Not Applicable” combinations such as mapping Room revenue to Front office, which is not possible, and helping to avoid other mapping errors. Comments can also be added to a mapping if, for example, a specific property wants to ignore parking revenue as a third party revenue.

Mapping rules for data sources

There are a number of predefined rule sets. These are designed to cover all normal source data and current PMI setup. The objective is to assign a correct mapping rule set to the interface. Names given to the predefined rule sets should be easy to recognise and understand. This is done in the Interface Editor in the PMI Data Integration Site.

Mapping rule settings

Log into the Data Integration Site.

  1. In the top bar, select Interface Editor.
  2. Select the correct interface.
  3. Under Mapping Rule Set, select Revenue, Net and click on Edit.
  4. From the dropdown menu, choose Revenue, Net
  5. Choose Hotel only in the Entity type dropdown box.
  6. Save

Each mapping rule consists of 6 settings.

Entity type: Refers to the first dropdown list in the mapping table. Choose what should be available in the department dropdown list. This can be hotel, profit centers, cockpits or a combinations of these. The option “Profit centers with OTB activated only” is for files such as Sales & Catering OTB. An example of how this option would be used is revenue is mapped to the hotel as room revenue, and profit centers, and labor cockpits should not be available as an option.

Level: Refers to the segment dropdown, which is the second dropdown list in the mapping table. This is only visible if a segments exist. This option is only used to map to segments that already exists, or if it should be opened up to map to total even if the segment exists. For example, for Revenue, we have a “hybrid” where we only want to map to total, if we have chosen Hotel in the first dropdown (room revenue) and only to segments if it already exists in other departments.

Net/Gross: Refers to the Tax field in the mapping table. If it is set to Net, the Tax field is then hidden from the users.

Exclude from total: Refers to the choice Exclude from total in the mapping table. If we import data on segment level, we can exclude the segment data to be summed up to total level. Rooms, guests and revenue, or any combinations of these, can be excluded. As per the current setup, this is only used for Rooms import on segment level where we get room revenue from another file, and want revenue to be excluded. We recommend this is activated so that it’s not an issue for the user.

Food icon visible: Refers to the food icon in the mapping table. This should be checked when a revenue account is mapped to food. Can be set to No on all other import types than revenue

Revenue adapter: Refers to the possibility to set revenue types in the mapping table. Revenue type must be activated in Hierarchy settings. A revenue account can be classified as Room revenue, F&B revenue, Other revenue and so on. Even though this is an option, this functionality is not currently used in PMI.

External code lookup: In the mapping table, the Entity type dropdown list (department list) will search for a match between imported Department ID and External code on the department or department type. It will only display the departments with a match. LIKE functions is used to find a match so it does not need the exact name.