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Update to NextGen Rooms Live forecast – June 2024

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There has been a small update to the ‘Submit from Live forecast to Forecast’ tool in the new view of Rooms Live forecast. The changes only apply to the new view of Rooms Live forecast which is currently in pilot phase with selected properties.

Submit to Forecast to include Period locking 


Image: New Rooms Live forecast page submit tool with pop-up message 

The main changes are:

  1. When submitting Live forecast to Forecast or Budget/Target, there is now a pop-up message to confirm before the action is finalized.
  2. If any of the selected months have been locked in Period locking for the Forecast Revenue (or Budget Revenue), these will be listed in the pop-up message. Locked months will not be overwritten even if you continue.

Click here for the main article about new Rooms Live forecast which has a section on ‘Submitting the Live forecast to Forecast or Budget’.

Click here for a full explanation of ‘Period locking’ in PMI.