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GoGreen cockpit: Highlight months missing data on 12 month graph

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An enhancement has been released to the GoGreen doing cockpit graph.

A red highlight is now shown on the months missing consumption values in the 12 month graph in the cockpits. This makes it easier to identify why the main alert on the page is showing red. Click on the month to jump to that month’s cockpit and register the missing values. In the Energy cockpit, hover over the highlighted month to view a tooltip listing the category(s) with missing values.

If you do not see any highlighted months in the graph, but the consumption alert is highlighted red, it may be that the missing data is from a past year not visible in the 12 month graph. Use the date picker to review past years and find the months that are missing data.

If there is zero consumption to be recorded for a month (e.g. for Heating in the summer), and it is a cockpit without an import, enter 0 using the ‘Enter consumption’ button next to the alert. This will stop the month from showing red.