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How to add a comparison year in P&L

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What is adding another year to comparison/reference?

It’s the ability to add another year for comparison in the Account Summary module in P&L.

What is its purpose?

If you are responsible for several hotels, you are able to see the development for more than a year ago. Last year may not always relevant, especially if the hotel was closed due to refurbishment, seasonal closing, natural disaster, change of concepts, change over to franchise, etc. The goal of this functionality is that a Financial Controller spends less time creating various excel sheets to fulfill the need for information and logs into PMI and the information is readily available.

Intended users and requirements

Financial Controller and above.

  1. Choose Profit & Loss
  2. Activate Account Summary
  3. Click on View Options, click on Show Reference
  4. Then Choose Reference appears with a drop-down and you can choose up to 5 years ago