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Planning set up enhancement: Roll forward forecast – 11.23

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There are now 2 options to choose from when Planning setup has been selected.

  1. Roll forward forecast 

This is a new feature that allows you to generate an updated monthly forecast without having to complete the planning setup each month. We recommend using this option as the standard monthly forecasting routine. 

This option is only available if you have previously created a plan.  

A forecast/budget is generated using the same settings previously set, but updates the pre-populated values based on changes to the Live forecast. Any manual changes created in the previous version will still be saved in this version.  An additional month will be added to this version. 

Selecting the button ‘Roll forward’, will open the new updated forecast for you to review, edit and submit.  

You can only use the roll forward option during the forecasting period. This is chain specific but is usually around 20th-25th of each month. If it is outside the forecasting period, you can select Open to view the existing forecast.   

  1. Edit setup 

This allows you to adjust the plan settings before generating the plan. The steps are the same as previously. You will be required to complete these steps the first time that you create a plan. For details on each step, see the article ‘How to set up a plan’.