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KPI settings overview

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Chain settings

Set up alternative hierarchy

To add a KPI target for a group or groups of departments, an alternative hierarchy needs to be set up.

Only users with HQ Administrator access can make changes. HQ controller, administrator and controller have view access only.

The box on the right is where you build the alternative hierarchy. Divisions that have been set up in hierarchy are already displayed.

To add a sub-division, open the division, and click on + Add sub-division.

Enter the header name. Once done, click on the checkmark to add the header to the hierarchy. Any added headers can be edited or deleted.

Additional headers added will be displayed below the first one. The heading order cannot be changed. Make sure that headers are added in the order that you want them displayed.

To add a department to a sub-division or level, select a department in the box on the left and the division/sub-division or sub-level you want to allocate it to from the box on the right and click add. The options you’ve selected will be highlighted in blue.

If you want to remove a department from the alternative hierarchy, select the department and click Remove.

Remember to save your changes. If you want to undo all your changes, click Cancel.

KPI categories

If you want to group KPIs based on certain characteristics, a KPI category needs to be created.

The categories with global icons cannot be changed, moved or deleted.

To add a category, click on + Add category, type in the name and click the checkmark.

You can use the arrow on the left to re-order the categories.

Select KPIs to be displayed in cockpits

In order for KPIs to be displayed in a labor Cockpit, a KPI needs to be assigned to a Cockpit.

Please refer to this article for more details.

Property settings

Those with the correct access can customize KPIs on property level, as opposed to chain level.

To customize on a property level, de-select Chain settings, then select which KPIs you would like displayed in the various Cockpits. 

It is recommended to lock the targets once they are set to eliminate accidental changes.