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PMI weekly meeting preparations

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What is the purpose of a PMI weekly meeting?

It is PMI best practice for the general manager to hold a 15-minute PMI meeting each week with all heads of departments.

The purpose of the meeting is to establish a cadence of accountability that ensures each head of department has good control of both revenue and cost, and are on track to meet their monthly goals.

It is also an opportunity to identify areas that are pacing behind and implement actions to get you back on track.

Holding this meeting regularly will also help ensure that PMI is updated regularly so any reports taken from PMI have accurate data.

What should you cover in a PMI weekly meeting?

There are 3 main items that should be raised each week:

  1. Room revenue
  2. F&B revenue
  3. Labor productivity

For each of these items, consider the following questions:

  1. Are you on pace to meet the forecast set?
  2. If no, what is the reason for the deviation?
  3. What are the most important actions to take this week to get us back on track by next week’s meeting?

Discuss these items with the relevant heads of department and take note of any agreed upon actions. Be sure to follow up on these actions in next week’s meeting to find out if they were implemented, and if they had the desired result.

Other relevant items you may want to discuss in the call include:

  1. PMI adoption index – Which departments are doing well, and who may need encouragement.
  2. A look ahead to next month to ensure all forecasts and schedules are updated.
  3. A look back at last months result to celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Discussion around questions/suggestions from team members.

How to prepare for the PMI weekly meeting?

We recommend using the attached Cadence Report along with PMI to prepare and run the weekly meeting.

Before the meeting, take 15 minutes to review the Management perspective and see how you are pacing compared to the Forecast in each area. Make a note of any areas that are pacing behind, but also doing well, compared to the Forecast. These are the items to focus on during the meeting.

During the call, focus on understanding the main reasons for any negative results, and agree on actions to be implemented.

The Cadence Report has some suggested reasons and possible actions. Use this as guidance when discussing with your team. Be sure to save this report each week, and review at the beginning of next week’s meeting to establish if actions have been completed.


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