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This summary will help you to understand, navigate and manage your PMI scheduling. 

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Cockpit Owners


  • For scheduling, you can choose between using the mouse or the keyboard.
  • Until you remember the different shortcut keys, open the Shift Codes tab and choose the shift you want to use. When making the schedule, a good tip is to print a screenshot with all the shifts that you can view.
  • If you use the shortcut keys, a small popup window will appear with the code you have activated.
  • If you want to use the keyboard, use the TAB key to navigate horizontally and arrow keys to navigate vertically. After the day is marked (blue), use the keys on your keyboard, typing the shortcut key to insert the shift codes.
  • If you prefer to use the mouse, simply choose the shift code you want by using the keyboard shortcuts and click on the days you want to schedule. Advantages of using the mouse:
    • Faster.
    • You can hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor over several days. 
    • You can easily remove a shift by right clicking on the mouse (make sure that you place the cursor over the shift you want to delete). 
    • Drag and drop functionality. Drag one shift from one person and drop the shift to another person in order the make exchanges quickly. 
  • Remember that you always have the projected hours available. When you add shifts into the schedule, the scheduled department total (and schedule) will increase.
  • Remember to save the data after you have made changes, minimum every 15 minutes.

Create Rotating Schedule

This tool enables you to create a rotating schedule for the future. 

  1. First create a default schedule. This could be a one-week schedule, two-week, or anything of your own choice. 
  2. In the source, select the dates you want to copy, if you want your rotating schedule to start on a Monday and continue for six months, you make sure your default schedule also starts on a Monday. Say, it is a one-week schedule as seen below. From Monday the 4th of May to Sunday the 10th of May. 
  3. The Destination is 11th of May. This date is not possible to change, its automatically calculated. It is the day after the source end-date.
  4. Number of copies − if the default schedule is one week, the number of copies is then the number of weeks ahead. If the default schedule is of two weeks, the number of copies is equal to the number of two-week periods ahead. 
  5. Erase and reset future months in copy − meaning, if there are any shifts already in the future they will be erased. 
  6. Choose the worker this should be added/created for. 