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Parent and sub-cockpits explained

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What is a parent cockpit?

The purpose of a parent cockpit is to:

  1. Enable consolidation of hours and activity cost drivers.
  2. Streamline review and update of two or more sub-cockpits.

For instance, IT, maintenance and finance departments are operated by a fixed staff level, independent from the day-to-day fluctuations in the level of business activity. You may want to see hours and activity cost driver (e.g. total revenue) for individual departments while also seeing an hours and activity cost driver consolidated. A parent cockpit will serve this purpose. Having a parent cockpit setup makes reviewing and updating of the individual sub-cockpits faster.

Note: The PMI Adoption index looks at the individual cockpits only and not at the parent cockpit as a whole. Each cockpit has an individual productivity rate and the score will be calculated individually. 


To set up a parent cockpit, the sub-cockpits must have same activity cost driver. It is not possible to consolidate different drivers.

A food cost cockpit cannot be set up with a parent cockpit. 


A parent cockpit is activated in configuration (done by a d2o consultant). A parent cockpit works in the same way as a normal cockpit but has some additional features:

  • From the drop-down list, you can choose to view one or all sub-cockpits (consolidated view).
  • Click pen to update.
  • Rates are set specifically to individual sub-cockpits.
  • Like the primary cockpit, you can choose to view Hours Total and Productivity Total MTD or Month-End. Additionally, you can view the breakdown of sub-cockpits clicking the pencil icon


Sub-cockpits must all share same cost driver. It is not possible to consolidate different cost drivers (like guest nights and room nights).

The Min/Max Tool can have different values per underlying cockpit.

Add Schedule – a schedule is specific to a sub-cockpit, not set at parent level.

View Options

  • Show Weather is the only View Option available.


Use a parent cockpit to achieve a consolidated view across two or more cockpits to make updates easier for cockpits with fixed staffing irrespective of fluctuating business volume.