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User roles explanation

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What are user roles?

PMI user access is managed in the User administration module.

Each user is assigned a main role with access to specific modules. A user can be assigned only one main role. Additional add-onroles can be added to the main role if needed. Below is an overview of the access rights that come with the different user roles.

 Primary role

Level in which this role is available Description Additional roles available
HQ administrator Chain access
  • Includes controller rights
  • Full user rights
  • User admin
  • TKS/Accounts mapping
  • Edit module settings
  • Salary editor
  • GoGreen admin
  • GG Goal distribution tool (only d2o can give access)
  • Restricted Planning access
HQ controller Chain access
  • Includes operational manager rights
  • GoGreen user & planning
  • Can edit flash report numbers
  • TKS/Accounts mapping
  • Add/change property specific planning reports and constants
  • Salary editor
  • User admin
  • GoGreen admin
  • GG Goal distribution tool (only d2o can give access)
  • Restricted Planning access
Administrator Property & group level
  • Includes controller rights
  • Full user rights
  • User admin
  • Salary editor
  • Restricted Planning access
Controller Property & group level
  • Includes operational manager rights
  • GoGreen user & planning
  • Can edit flash report numbers
  • TKS/Accounts mapping
  • Add/change property specific planning reports and constants.
  • Salary editor
  • User Administration
  • CoE analytics R&P suite – chain
  • CoE analytics F&B suite – chain
  • Restricted Planning access
Operational manager Property & group level
  • Daily use for all cockpits
  • Edit budget/forecast
  • Submit budget/forecast
  • Daily use in profit centers
  • Live forecast
  • Can change revenue, min/max hours and drivers and seasons
  • cockpit forecast
  • Can change min/max hours Revenue forecast.
  • Edit & submit budgets
  • Revenue forecast
  • Can change forecast in P&L but cannot access staff
  • Can only be assigned on property level
  • Salary editor
  • User admin
  • Mapping auditor
  • Covers auditor
  • CoE analytics R&P suite – chain
  • CoE analytics F&B suite – chain
  • GoGreen planning
  • GoGreen user
  • Restricted Planning access
Division/department manager Department level
  • Same as operational manager but cannot access Rooms live forecast
  • Salary editor
  • User admin
  • Rooms forecast manager
  • Mapping auditor
  • Covers auditor
  • CoE analytics R&P suite – chain
  • CoE analytics F&B suite – chain
  • GoGreen planning
  • GoGreen user
  • Restricted Planning access
View PMI Property & group level
  • View access for R&P and Planning, but cannot see Staff in Planning
  • GoGreen user
  • Restricted Planning access


Additional roles


Salary editor
  • Gives access to the staff module in P&L
User admin
  • Gives access to the User administration module
Room forecast manager
  • Gives access to division/department managers to edit Rooms live forecast
Covers auditor
CoE analytics R&P suite – Chain
CoE analytics F&B suite – Chain
GoGreen planning
  • GoGreen planning
GoGreen user
  • GoGreen Cockpits
GoGreen admin
GoGreen goal distribution 
  • Access to GoGreen goal distribution – HQ users only
Restrict planning access
  • Removes access to PMI Planning module