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Period locking overview

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What is Period locking? 

Period locking is a functionality that enables you to set cut-off dates for editing data in PMI. 

What is its purpose? 

By setting a period lock date you prevent past Revenue and Hours data being edited in PMI. This ensures control and avoids the risk of finalized reports or forecasts being over-written.

Data can be locked for Budget, Forecast, and Actual. The lock dates are set at a monthly level for Forecast and Actual, and a yearly level for Budget. 

These locks are set at the chain level, with the option to override at property level as required. For independent hotels, this setting applies to the hotel. 

Intended users and requirements 

This functionality is accessible to HQ Administrator user role. 

It is recommended that only users with chain-level access can edit period lock settings. 

The period locking should be set up annually for the whole chain for the coming year. After this, it can be edited on a case-by-case basis for specific months and/or properties.

How to use period locking settings? 


Period locking is in Advanced settings. Access it via the main menu.

  1. Use the navigation bar to select which data to view.  
  2. Use the date picker to select the year. 
  3. The padlocks and color of the dates indicate whether a period is open or locked. Double click on a padlock to lock or unlock the period. Note – If opening a period, the lock date will automatically be set to the next day using this feature. 

How to set up for the year ahead?

Each chain has a default setting. These should be reviewed and, if needed, adjust for the coming year. Be aware these changes will apply to all properties. To make a change for a single property, use the ‘Create a new exception’ function. 

  1. To view the default dates, select the arrow by the chain default row to get a drop-down of the revenue and hours lock dates. 
  2. This can be adjusted by selecting the pen icon. NOTE – This will change the dates for the whole chain.
  3. Here you select the period you want to change. For budget and actual you can change the whole year by clicking the “Select all months” option.
    1. To unlock the period, click the ‘Locked?’ switch to “No” and add your revised lock date. 
    1. Select ‘Save & continue’ to save the changes for that period without closing the pop-up. You can then select a different period and continue to make changes. 
    2. Use ‘Save’ button if you are only updating one period. This will save your changes and close the pop-up window. 

How to edit pre-set period locking?

Double click on a padlock to unlock the period. The relock date will automatically be set to tomorrows date.

If a specific property needs to make changes to a locked period or needs extended time before a period is locked, this can be done by creating an exception. 

  1. Select ‘Create a new exception’.
  2. Select the right property by searching on the property name or scroll through and select ‘Save’.
  1. This will add the property to the table as a new exception.
  2. Use the pop-up to set your new lock dates.
    1. If you do not add a lock date for a period, it will take the chain default settings.
    2. If opening an already locked period, it is mandatory to add a note stating the reasons for the change. 
    3. Once saved, A blue triangle will appear by any cells with a note. Hover over the cell to view the note. 
  3. Use the pen icon to make further edits.
  4. To remove an exception, use the delete icon. This will revert the property to default settings for all periods. 
  5. Once you are done making your changes, select the blue ‘Save’ button in the corner of the screen. 
