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Fact sheets overview

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What is its purpose?

This functionality enables a user to capture data and/or metrics, that can be used to create ratios and key performance indicators (KPIs) for benchmarking. A predefined form containing information that is not readily available in PMI, for example the sizes of the various meeting rooms at the property, size of the lobby, number of seats in your Breakfast hall, number of seats in your Bar, number of tables and so on.

It allows you to create, view, change and add non-financial data about your property that can be used to calculate KPIs such as revenue per square meter, seat or table turnover, revenue per seat and so on.


Intended users and requirements

This functionality is accessible to the d2o team and the administrative members (General Manager and Financial Controller) at property level. Its activated in Advanced settings. It is updated and maintained by a designated user(s) at the property. Please contact support on for more information.


How it works?

The form is created and predefined by d2o with a set of metrics specific to each organisational unit/department, e.g. property, housekeeping, breakfast, restaurant and so on. The form is generic for all properties, irrespective of chain/group. Additional metrics are added by d2o if needed.

A user creates a new fact sheet for a department by filling in a new fact sheet and following the steps. Available metrics can be Floor space, No. of rooms, Conference delegates, No. of guests, Total conference area, Restaurant seats

  1. Click on “Create new fact sheet”
  2. Choose which operational unit e.g. department, division or whole property, you want to add a fact sheet for
  3. Enter the name of the metric e.g. size of room in m2
  4. Enter the start date from when the metric is valid from
  5. Click “Save”
  6. The pop-up will close and a new line will appear under Metric name
  7. Enter the numeric metric and click “Save”