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How to map from an external timekeeping system

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Mapping is the first step to connecting an external timekeeping system (TKS) to PMI. The incoming information from the TKS needs to be assigned to the correct section in PMI. It is very important to be clear what data the TKS will export to PMI. The settings in the cockpit are depending on what is exported to PMI. 

Categories and Departments are the two main areas to be connected.

  • Categories are the different types of time categories PMI will receive from the external TKS. This can vary depending on the TKS.
  • Departments are where the hours will be connected in PMI – which cockpit and which schedule. Departments are also divided into tasks which the TKS provides to PMI. If Tasks is activated in the mapping settings, a task can be mapped to a schedule other than the main (top) one.
Image: Mapping a timekeeping system in PMI 
  • Period – You can set a ‘From’ and/or ‘To’ date in an import. If you are changing your TKS, you may need to set a ‘To’ date in the old system and a ‘From’ date in the new system.

The areas needing to be mapped are highlighted in red. All unmapped segments should be mapped in the same way as the ones already mapped above them. The sub departments below the main department do not need to be mapped unless you want them in a separate department.

Categories are mapped after discussing with the hotel to find out exactly what the categories are used for. It is important to find out if productive or non-productive hours are being used. Some hours may also be ignored, such as vacation, off days and other leave that is not paid by the hotel.

Image: The different color selections for various types of hours during mapping.

It is also possible to add colors to each category. This will be reflected in the bars in the daily graph in the cockpit. It is important to have the productive worked hours at the bottom of the list without ignored categories. Use the arrows to move it down.

Make sure that the cost is set correctly to reflect the actual cost in the cockpit. If the hotel pays 80% of the sick leave, the category for sick leave should be at 0.8 in the Cost column.

If the source system text is not easy to understand you might want to translate the categories. This will be visible in the cockpit as well.

Image: View of a cockpit after the mapping has been done.

After the mapping has been done, the cockpit will look something like this. The different colors in the daily graph bars showing the different types of hours are dependant on the settings selected during mapping.