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Volume/usage/consumption explained

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Example used is kWh from GoGreen. This shows the quantity of each resource we expect to use.  The values come from the Live Forecast when this plan was first created.  It’s fair to say that the values may differ in Live Forecast today, that’s why best practise is to review and submit your values as soon as the plan is created.

You can edit the values if you consider it to be inaccurate. However, you are then required to update the same values in the Live Forecast ensuring all is aligned.

The same applies when choosing:

 Chemicals displays the latest plan figures which are a result of kg multiplied by price.

Food waste displays the latest plan figures which are a result of kg multiplied by price.

Towels & linen displays the latest plan figures which are a result of units multiplied by price.

Sweet dreams display the latest plan figures which are a result of units multiplied by price.

Waste displays the latest plan figures which are a result of kg multiplied by price.

Water display the latest plan figures which are a result of liter multiplied by price.