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How to copy from reference

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Copy From Reference is used when you want to populate the version you are working in with content from a reference. 

When working with your budget for the next year, this could be a useful tool for you to copy your budget to Forecast. 

Intended Users

GM, Financial Controllers & Heads of Departments.


Profit & Loss Module


After building a budget for the next year at the end of the year, or when first starting to work with Planning, you may need to copy the approved budget into Forecast to have something to base your rolling work on. You may also use this when your rolling forecast for next year is set and you want to copy that into Budget for the next year. 

To do this, there is a tool called Copy From Reference in the Tools menu. 

Before executing the copy you want to do as follows:

  • Ensure both Budget and Forecast figures are the same in all the various departments in PMI R&P – Budget and Forecast module. If not, please adjust the Forecast. Always SAVE. The formulas which are in the “frame” of PMI Planning takes values from the R&P module and this should give you the exact same figures when copying so you are able to compare. 
  • In the Staff module in Planning, you need to use the tool Copy To Budget or Copy to Forecast for each department, depending on whether you are working with the Budget or the Forecast as the reference you want to copy. .Always SAVE your budget or forecast before you use the tool Copy To Budget or Copy To Forecast. 
  • Lastly, before Copy From Reference, SAVE the Accounts you want to copy FROM (the reference). Go into View Options and be sure that Displayed Data selected is the one you want to copy FROM
  • Now you can use the tool Copy From Reference. Go to the module Accounts and choose to look at the hotel – ALL
  • Ensure you have the correct View Option. If you want to copy budget to forecast you need to choose the View Option as below since you are copying FROM reference. 

Should you want to copy Forecast to Budget you would need to choose Budget as Displayed Data and Forecast under Choose Reference. 

  • Now you can use the tool Copy From Reference. When you click, you will get the following message:

It will copy all accounts without formulas connected and that is why you had to be sure that budget and forecast are identical in R&P and also that the Staff module is copied so that the budget and forecast are the same in the Staff module too.
