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How to do RevPlan mapping

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What is RevPlan?

RevPlan is a system used by hotels that covers revenue management, property management, business analytics and more. All of the data imported from RevPlan needs to be mapped to the correct department in PMI. This is done when a property is first set up in PMI, and again as new accounts are added. RevPlan imports data to PMI early every morning. 

How do I access the screen?

On the PMI Home Screen, a red box will appear with information about any accounts that need to be mapped. You can click the text on the red box to go to the Mapping module, or via the main menu in the top left corner and select Mapping – Accounts, in the column Administration.

Select the property you wish to work with, if you have access to more than one property, then select All. When starting out, it is best to check all the boxes in the View options dropdown, to make sure that everything is uploaded properly, except for PMI Planning and GoGreen. Those are only applicable if they are part of your PMI package and they are handled seperately. 

At the top of the page, make sure you have selected ALL as your view option and not a specific department. In the Interface column, click the dropdown list and choose RevPlan Forecast. When you first enter the Mappings page, the unmapped accounts will appear in red at the top of the list. Click on “Department ID” to sort the column.


How to map the different accounts:

XXXXX-STAT – The account ending in STAT is mapped to your hotel name and then to segment RAC.

XXXXX-ROOMS – The account ending in ROOMS is mapped to the hotel name and then the correct segment.
The ROOMS account with an account ID of OTH must be mapped to the segment OTH Revplan.

In PMI, we check the Department ID for the CC in our database where PMI has stored the CC on the correct Profit Center. In all departments where a CC is stored, you will only get one PMI Profit Center to map to in the dropdown list.  If the PMI Profit Center displayed is wrong, please contact Eric Cevey.

If no CC is stored, you will get the full list of profit centers and cockpits. Make sure to select the correct profit center and not a cockpit. If a full list of Profit Centers is not displayed, please contact Eric Cevey for assistance. 

Select the PMI profit center and then the correct segment.

You can NEVER map to Total segment, as then the data in PMI will not be correct.

For CC_F_B_17 (M&E) has two possible PMI profit centers. Select the correct one and then map.

Meal period in M&E is not used in PMI, even though it appears as an option.

Some properties may have Food Revenue divided between LU-31210, DI-31210 etc. These Account IDs do not have a description, but should be mapped to M&E Operations and segment Food.

Some hotels also use CC_F_B_02 as the main restaurant and segments 31215 for breakfast revenue. This should be mapped to PMI profit center Breakfast. 31210 Food Revenue and 31220 Drink Revenue should then be mapped to the main Restaurant.

When you are finished mapping, remember to click Save, in the top right corner.