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KPI targets overview

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What are the KPI targets in PMI?

KPI targets allows you to track the property’s performance by comparing actuals against the set KPI targets, forecast and budget.  

In the future, this will also enable hoteliers to compare and benchmark, not only within a group, but also against industry average and peers. 

The data is updated monthly, once the actuals for the previous period become available in PMI. 

There are multiple view options as well as an option to export data. 

Viewing, reporting and downloading is primarily done by GMs, regional directors, controllers, and users at head office.  

How to use the screen 

The KPI targets module is accessed via the main menu. 

Use the date selector in the top right of the page to choose the period to review. The current year will show as default. 



There are three different views that can be used:  

  1. Hierarchy view: This view is best if you want a quick overview of a single property’s performance as a whole. It lists all the property KPIs in order of the hierarchy as set up in Settings.  
  2. KPI view: This view lists KPIs in alphabetical order, allowing you to compare the same KPI for each department, side by side. 
  3. Group view: This view will allow you to view a KPI across all properties, divisions and departments in a group.  



KPI Name: Displays the KPI name. Click on the row to view a tooltip with additional explanation of that KPI. KPIs with a blue flag are displayed in the relevant departments labor cockpit. The blue flags can be activated via the Personal view settings in the top right corner of the screen. 

Dept/Header: Displays the department, division or property to which the KPI applies. 

Unit: Indicates what kind of value is being displayed.  

Actuals: The KPI is calculated using actual data for past months. For the current and future months, data from the last submitted forecast is used. Actuals will be used once they are available in PMI. The date is determined by the cut-off days specified in Advanced settings.  

Target: This column contains the targets that were set in the ‘Set KPI targets’ tab.  

Forecast: The KPIs are calculated automatically by using amounts from the last submitted forecast for each month. Click the header to use an older forecast.  

Prior Year: View results from any of the past 5 years subject to data availability. The default shown is the prior year to the selected period. Click the column header to change the year being viewed. 

Vs. Actual: These columns show the difference between actuals and the comparative data (either target, forecast or prior year). Values in red indicate that actuals are performing worse than the comparative selected. 


Select the filter icon by column headers to apply a filter. If the icon is blue, a filter has already been applied to that column. Any filters applied will remain if you leave and return to this page.  

  • KPI category filter: In this filter, you can choose which KPIs you want to view. KPIs will be grouped per category and listed alphabetically. 
  • Department filter: With this filter, you can choose the specific department you want to view. Departments will be listed in the same order that the alternative hierarchy has been set up.  
  • Property filter: This filter is only available in Group view. All the properties in the group that was selected will be listed alphabetically.  

You can also reorder the columns by dragging the headers to the desired place. If you want to hide a column, simply remove Select the reset icon in the top right corner. 

To export the data, select the export icon in the top right corner. You can export either to Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. All data shown in the table will be visible in the export file. Note – the export file respects the filters set. If you need to export a full data set, ensure that no filters are applied to any columns. 

How to view KPI details

From the Set KPI targets tab , you are able to take a closer look at your KPIs. Click on the + sign by the Save button to open the pop up.

A blue checkmark to the left of the KPI means the KPI is active in your page.

The KPIs can be filtered based on the category selected in Settings (1).

  • There are several options to filter (2), and sort (3) the KPIs.
    • If there is a globe beside a KPI, that means it is a global KPI, created by d2o and it will be available for every chain and property in PMI, not just your specific  chain. A global KPI cannot be edited or deleted.
    • Chain means that this KPI is only available for your chain.
  • In the search bar, you can search for a specific KPI (4). Typing the first 3 letters will start the search, bringing up all relevant options.
  • Hover over a KPI and click on the eye icon to see more details (5).

Step 1

Here you can see exactly which options were selected for this KPI. If everything is gray, no changes can be made. Select Next to go to Step 2.

Step 2

Here you can see which organizational unit or header level the KPI has been assigned to. Open the dropdown beside the org. unit to view the specific departments. Select Next to go to Step 3.

Step 3

The calculation for the KPI and what it is composed of can be seen here. Nothing can be added, edited, or moved on this screen. If the KPI has been linked to a different period or department, that will be written below the KPI.

KPis are meant to enable consistent comparisons in the chain. If any changes need to be made, please contact your HQ controller.