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How to upload data in PMI

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What is the Data upload centre?

The Data upload centre allows you to manually upload various types of data, including budgets, forecasts, actuals and KPI targets. Anyone with controller rights can access this feature.

Access the Data upload centre via the administration section in the main menu.

Download template

Download templates

In this tab, you’ll find different templates to select from based on the data you want to import. Click on the blue text to download the template, and it will be saved in your computer’s Download folder. From there, you can easily input your data into the spreadsheet.

Successful Upload

Importing your data

After downloading the template and filling it with your data, go to the Import Files tab to proceed. You have two options for uploading your file.

  1. Drag and drop the file into the grey box.
  2. Click on the grey box to open the File Explorer. Navigate to the folder where the file is saved, select it, and click “Open.”

If the upload is successful, the file name will be displayed above the grey box. Click “Next” in the bottom right corner to preview the data.

Data preview

Preview data

After importing your data, it will be shown in a table for you to review. The number of imported lines will be displayed on the right. It’s important to compare this number with the number of lines in your import template to ensure there was a complete upload. Additionally, you can use the search bar to look for specific data and double-check its accuracy.

If you want to import a different file, click the “X” beside the file name above the search bar. This will take you back to the initial screen, where you can select another file.

If you are happy with the upload, click “Next” to proceed.

Mapping fields in upload document to PMI

Mapping your data

To upload your data to PMI, you must first match fields from your imported document with the fields specified by PMI. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose the transaction type corresponding to your uploaded file’s data. The transaction type will determine the PMI fields that must be mapped.
  2. Select a mapping by either:
    • choosing an existing mapping or
    • creating a new mapping. If you create a new mapping, give it a unique name.
  3. Assign the fields in your upload file to specified PMI fields. All fields marked with a red * must be completed. These fields will already be mapped if you use a previously saved mapping.
  4. Review your mapping. The first data row in your uploaded document will be displayed in the third column. Review these options to ensure you’ve assigned the correct fields.

    Once you are satisfied with the mappings, click Save and Next and proceed to the next step.

    Running validation

    Validate data

    To ensure accuracy when importing data into PMI, it is important to validate it beforehand. Simply click the Validate button located at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Check the validation status displayed at the top right-hand corner. Once the process is complete, you can view the summary below the status bar to see how many rows have passed or failed validation.

    Validate data

    There are a few features you can use to review the successful or erroneous data:

    1. The search bar – Type in any word or phrase in the search bar, then click on the magnifying glass to search the table for this data.
    2. Filter on failed/successful data – Use the drop-down function to filter the table for failed or successful data.
    3. Review data in the Preview table – Rows that have passed the validation successfully will have a √ while failed data will show a ! in the status column. The reason for the failure will be the field with red text. A few reasons why data could fail include:
      1.  Property Name
          • The property does not exist.
          • Incorrect spelling of property
      2. Alt. hierarchy node
          • Node does not exist
          • Incorrect department code
          • Incorrect spelling
      3. KPI name
          • KPI has not been created
          • Incorrect spelling
      4. Year
          • KPI module for this year has been locked
          • Field not recognised as a numerical value
      5. Month
          • Month was not entered as a numerical value (1-12)
      6. Value
          • Field was blank
          • Value not recognised as a numerical value

    Data that failed can either be corrected in the completed template, and this process can be restarted, or you can choose to ignore the failed data and continue.

    Skip/Overwrite existing transactions

    Next, select how to handle the transactions and data that are already in PMI. You can choose to skip importing the lines with data that is already in PMI or choose to overwrite the current data in PMI with the new data. You can make this selection at the bottom of the page, to the left of the Validate button.

    Once this selection has been made, click on Update PMI.

    Update PMI

    To check the progress of your upload, look at the status bar located in the top right-hand corner. You can also use the summary below the status bar to track the amount of data that has been imported successfully. Keep in mind that if you choose to skip importing any existing transactions, that line will be considered erroneous data.