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How to add staff and manage staff cost

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Personnel cost consists of three different elements: 

  • Salary
  • Social cost
  • Other personnel cost 

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Heads of Departments


Salary Costs

Forecasting of salary starts in PMI R&P. A very important principle in PMI Planning is that all hours that are the foundation for calculating the salary cost are collected from PMI R&P. Hours that are the base of calculation in the different departments in PMI Planning have to be the same as the hours from the different schedules in PMI R&P.

Be sure the schedules are updated, saved and sent to Forecast. 

When this is done in the different departments, Budget & Forecast will be updated with the correct numbers in the Forecast columns. 

When hours for all departments have been sent to Forecast in PMI R&P, you go into Planning and choose the department you want to look at. 

When you open “Staff”, you may choose the period as usual in every part of PMI R&P and PMI Planning. You can also select what to display − Budget or Forecast − and which version. And also Hours, Rate, Scheduled, Unspecified and PMI R&P. 

After you have registered all hours and rates, you get a salary. It will populate the part showing Expenses for personnel in Accounts. 

If the setup is based on Constants, you will have other calculations now populating other parts of the forecast of expenses for personnel.



Salary Calculations

This is a tool to be used for calculating salaries; for example, you can connect to Constant, where you put the percentage increase in Constant. You use this calculation when you determine the Salary Category. See Salary Category below.   

Add Staff 

Here you add staff from PMI R&P and connect to a salary category − see Salary Categories below. Depending on whether you are using staff in the schedule in PMI R&P or not, you will add each person one by one, or only one Unspecified to be used as a total.

First, select the name, or Unspecified from the first column, then select the category from the second column. You must make a selection from the first column in order to proceed. 

Copy to Budget/Forecast

You may copy the Budget or Forecast entirely to Forecast or Budget.  


This function can be used to copy one month to several months ahead.

Copy To Cockpit

You can copy both hours and rates from Planning back to Cockpit, to both Budget and Forecast.   

Copy From Scheduled To Hours

A shortcut to copy from Scheduled to Hours without having to enter the figures manually in the staff module per month.

Salary Categories

Each employee has to be connected to a Salary Category; see Add Staff above. The category can be advanced and connected to Salary Calculations or not (None). The Salary Category is also connected to either the property or the chain (if hotel is part of chain). When deleting a salary category one should be very careful since it deletes it from all properties connected to it in the whole chain. A pop-up window will warn you if trying to delete a salary category.   
