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Closing Profit Center or Cockpit

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How to close a Profit Center/Live Forecast and/or a cockpit during a period.

Intended Users

Forecast Owners and Cockpit Owners.


Administrator user rights.


Live Forecast/Profit Center

If you for periods, need to close down a Live Forecast/Profit Center there are two options:

  • Remove the Revenue Driver for the days affected by clicking the calculator or triangle to the left of the date.
  • Or you can change the revenue driver. If you are set on automated driver this needs to be changed in the Settings of the Live Forecast, administrator user rights. When changed you may remove the driver by clicking the trash bin on all drivers for the month(s) you want to close. From the month you want to re-open, click on New Period and set up a new revenue driver. See the article Revenue Driver for more information.


The cockpit will reflect the closing of a Profit Center because the live forecast is zero. SMART forecast recommends no hours because there is no business. If you have fixed hours or min/max settings, the yellow SMART forecast line will reflect this.

If you are closing down a restaurant but still serve breakfast in your hotel in other area and you have a separate Breakfast Profit Center we do not recommend you to do any changes in PMI. Remain with the Profit Center as is. The locaton of the outlet is irrelevant to PMI.