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P&L planning accounts enhancement – 06.24

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Retrieving non-financial and statistical actuals from an R&P cockpit

Until now, only Forecast & Budget data could be imported into the P&L and all actual data was from an imported source.

It is now possible to transfer non-financial data as actuals from the cockpit. This includes total hours, productive hours and non-productive hours, room nights, guest nights and available rooms.

This option needs to be enabled by d2o support or your PMI contact and can then be used by anyone with departmental editing rights.

The data can be retrieved directly from the cockpit by using the account formula in P&L planning.


Access this function in the Profit & Loss module.

For hours:

Image: The screen in P&L to set up hours data transfer from a cockpit.
  1. Select the relevant account.
  2. Click on the formula icon (calculator).
  3. Source: Cockpit
  4. Cockpit: Select the relevant Cockpit.
  5. Choose the required type: Total hours/Productive hours/Non-productive hours.
  6. Select ‘Include Actual’.

For room nights, guest nights, available rooms:

Image: The screen in P&L to set up profit center data transfer from a cockpit.
  1. Select the relevant account.
  2. Click on the formula icon (calculator).
  3. Source: Profit center
  4. Profit center: Rooms
  5. Value: Select required option – Available rooms/Room nights/Guest nights
  6. Select ‘Include actual’

The ‘From’ date will automatically be selected with the default date set to January 1st of the current year. This can be changed manually. All imported data will still be available for all days before this selected date.

Actual hours from the chosen cockpit will now be transferred to the account.

The existing account with formula linked to imported values should have a ‘Valid to’ date, to ensure that hours aren’t retrieved twice (imported & cockpit actuals).

A nightly update will be run to check if ‘Include Actual’ is activated. It then calculates the actual values from R&P cockpit sources, and stores this actual value type in P&L. This nightly update keeps the actual hours in P&L Planning in sync with R&P.

Users can sync individual departments as needed by opening the account and clicking ‘Save’.

Where possible, the same accounts for hours should be used across all groups and hotels for simple setup and minimal maintenance.

Note: Using formulas sourced from R&P should be the default method in PMI for populating actual hours in P&L Planning. A direct monthly import should be the exception.