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Consolidated view in Benchmarking and Management Perspective

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What is its purpose?

A user is able to create a productivity department which consists of a set of department types and a cost driver in Benchmarking. These productivity departments can now be found in Management Perspective as a view only option. Please note that this is chain specific, not property specific.

Intended users and requirements

Regional and Head Office are able to create productivity departments. On hotel level a General Manager and Financial Controller can choose to have this predetermined list available on their Management Perspective on hotel level. This is a view only option and only Regional and Head Office has access rights to change these lists. The Consolidated views functionality is activated in Advanced settings.

How it works?

Step 1:

  • Access Benchmarking module from the side menu or the homepage
  • Activate the Productivity radio button at the top of the screen
  • Click on Tools menu and choose Setup Sources. You can create a productivity department by Add new source. Choose a name from the list provided or create your own. Choose the department types from the list and the relevant cost driver and Day Offset option. Don’t forget to Update and Refresh.This becomes your archive storing all information for when its needed to be reviewed.
  • Choose Ignore, if you prefer not to have certain productivity departments visible on your Benchmarking report. By doing so, reflects in the entire chain, not just one property.
  • This step is done at Head office level, not property level.

Step 2:

  • Go into Advanced Settings from the main menu, and activate Consolidated views. Select at group level which consolidated views you want to make available in Management Perspective. For example a hotel group can have several brands, and here you have the possibility to group together the 5 star brand, the 3 star brand, discounted brand and so on. Don’t forget to save.
  • The same rule applies at property level.
  • Access the Management Perspective module and on the right hand side below the divisions, is Consolidated views. By clicking on it you are able to then view all the productivity departments created in addition to the regular department divisions.
  • You can view the various KPIs, for example Hours, Total Prod, Opr. Prod and so on for the Consolidated view, as you would for the regular department division.
  • If you hover over it you can see all the possible department types available.
  • This step can be done at property level by the General Manager or Financial Controller.

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