Adjusting productivity targets in budget and forecast

Issue: Productivity targets are not aligning with actual performance, and adjustments are needed to improve the PMI adoption index score.

Recommendation: One idea can be to copy the Live forecast number into the Forecast to align the numbers initially. Adjustments made in the Budget and Forecast module are critical for accurate performance tracking and cannot be altered directly within the PMI adoption index view. Always ensure that updates are communicated with relevant stakeholders, especially if a controller sets these values. 

  1. Navigate to the Budget and Forecast module in PMI.
  2. Compare the current productivity targets with actual performance metrics.
  3. If discrepancies are found, update the productivity targets to better reflect realistic goals.
  4. Ensure that the targets align with the monthly forecast to maintain accuracy.
  5. After making necessary adjustments, save the changes to ensure the new targets are reflected in the system.
  6. Regularly monitor the productivity metrics to ensure the targets are being met.
  7. Re-evaluate and adjust targets as needed to reflect any changes in operations or business needs