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How to calulate arrivals and departures in the Labor cockpit

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The Labor cockpit includes key metrics like total hours, productive hours, non-productive hours, room nights, arrivals, departures, arrivals + departures, and stayovers. PMI calculates all of this in the background, but here is the formula for those who want to know how arrivals and departures are calculatated.

Departures calculation formula

To calculate the number of departures for a specific day, use the following formula:



  • Yesterday’s guests + Yesterday’s arrivals = Total people who were there last night.
  • Total people who were there last night – Tonight’s stayovers = Departures today.

Example: Lets calculate departures for May 15th

Arrival and departure calculation example
                                                                    Right side data table within the (legacy) Labor cockpit

Example Calculation for May 15th

Using the table provided, let’s calculate the departures for May 15th:

  • Stayovers from May 14th (S14​) = 552
  • Arrivals on May 14th (A14​) = 125
  • Stayovers on May 15th (S15​) = 366

Departures on a given day typically relate to the arrivals and stayovers from the previous day. We can use the total room nights and arrivals + departures to infer the departures (Room nights and other metrics that might influence departures).

  • Departures on May 15th = S14​+A14​−S15​
  • Departures on May 15th = 552+125−366
  • Departures on May 15th ​= 311

Thus, the number of departures on May 15th is 311. Since the value in the table is 312, the small discrepancy is due to rounding or minor adjustments in the actual data recording system.