What is its purpose? There are several more choices that increase flexibility in the P&L Report module. It’s easier to focus on what figures you are looking at, and the menus are more informative. What are the actual modifications? 1. Actual: Actual/ Live Forecast...
How to add a comparison year in P&L
What is adding another year to comparison/reference? It’s the ability to add another year for comparison in the Account Summary module in P&L. What is its purpose? If you are responsible for several hotels, you are able to see the development for more than a year...
Planning Menu – Tools and View Options overview
Summary PMI Planning is found in the top menu, stated as “PMI Profit & Loss”. You will do all your budgeting and forecasting in the PMI Profit & Loss. Intended Users GM, Controller, and Heads of Departments Instructions Division − all departments are...
How to set up a weekly Live forecast
Summary This chapter describes how to make a Live Forecast/Weekly Forecast in Planning at any time. This functionality may be used when requirements exists to produce a weekly P&L forecast in addition to a monthly P&L forecast that is the standard best...
How to make a profit forecast
Summary We will now focus on what steps to take to produce a profit forecast in PMI Planning. Intended Users GM, Controllers and Heads of Departments Revenue The work with your forecast starts with the revenue section. A vital part of PMI Planning is that your...
How to edit and update using the staffing tool
What is its purpose? The planning staff module enables you to review and adjust staffing to meet demand (SMART forecast) all in one screen. The goal is to reduce manual workload and make forecasting less error-prone. You can import scheduled hours and base salaries...
How to copy from reference
Summary Copy From Reference is used when you want to populate the version you are working in with content from a reference. When working with your budget for the next year, this could be a useful tool for you to copy your budget to Forecast. Intended Users GM,...
How to approve a forecast or budget in PMI
How to send in/submit your budget/target or forecast in PMI Planning module. NB! Moved from Submit to Status in tools box. Summary When your budget/target/forecast work is completed and you wish to send in/freeze these figures to become a selectable version in PMI...
Accounts overview
What is its purpose? Accounts overview is a quick way to show categories as totals and you can see divisions, departments and account levels. This is view only, so you cannot change anything or look at calculations. It's geared toward GMs, controllers and heads of...
How to populate and edit accounts
Summary Accounts are used in all departments to build your budget and/or forecast. Accounts may be added or deleted depending on the internal structures within the property or property chain. Please see Planning Menu for more information on how to add an account....