live forecast

Submit Live Forecast to Forecast (monthly routine)

Submit Live Forecast to Forecast (monthly routine)

What is the Copy (Submit) from Live forecast process?  A forecast is used as a monthly revenue goal. Once set, it does not change. The Live forecast, however, is a rolling forecast, which is regularly updated with the most recent data available.   To set a revenue...

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How do I copy to Live forecast?

How do I copy to Live forecast?

What do I copy to Live forecast? You can sync your current Live room forecast with last year's data, the budget, or the most recent forecast you submitted. To do this, click "Copy to Live forecast" in the Tools menu of the Live forecast module. You will then have the...

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What is Pickup statistics?

What is Pickup statistics?

The Pickup statistics display the movement in your on-the-books figures. You can access Pickup statistics from Live forecast in Rooms and Meetings & Events, or from the main PMI menu. Use the Pickup statistics to analyze and get a better understanding of the...

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How do I reset the pickup for a full month?

How do I reset the pickup for a full month?

There are 2 different ways to reset pickups for future days. From the Tools menu of the Live forecast module, you can choose to Reset Pick up, which will zero out the pickup columns for the remainder of the month. Alternatively, you can click on the calculator (or...

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What are the seasons in PMI?

What are the seasons in PMI?

Seasons are defined as different periods with the same expected booking behavior or activity level. In a year, there could be similar periods with the same booking behavior spread out over the year. Seasons are not necessarily the same as calendar months. December...

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