live forecast

Revenue driver explained

Revenue driver explained

What is a revenue driver?  A revenue driver is what drives the revenue of a department. For example, if more guests are staying at a hotel, the restaurant can expect to generate more revenue. There is often more than one driver that impacts revenue in a department.  A...

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Live forecast tools and personal view settings

Live forecast tools and personal view settings

What are the tools in Live forecast?  Available Tools and View Options will vary depending on your property’s Live forecast set up, the department you are viewing, and your user access rights.   Pickup Statistics: Click here to review and analyse the booking pattern...

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Live forecast overview

Live forecast overview

What is the Live forecast? The Live forecast in PMI is a daily revenue forecast. It is a rolling forecast which should be updated daily depending on the latest expectations due to changes in the market, new reservations, cancellations, etc. A Live forecast is created...

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