KPI target

KPI targets enhancement – July 2024

KPI targets enhancement – July 2024

Some enhancements have been made to the KPI targets module. New data points have been added to make more KPI calculations possible. Available rooms – Uses the values from the settings chosen in Rooms live forecast. Arrivals and stayovers - Departures were previously...

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How to view KPI details

From the KPI dashboard, you are able to take a closer look at your KPIs. Click on the + sign by the Save button to open the pop up.  A blue checkmark to the left of the KPI means the KPI is active in your page. The KPIs can be filtered based on the category...

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KPI targets enhancement February 2024

The main goal of this enhancement is to: Provide additional view options to allow the user to personalise their view as needed. Give access to additional details on the KPIs and the background calculations used (available for controller level access and above). See...

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How to link KPI targets to a cockpit

How to link KPI targets to a cockpit

Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to track your performance, as an alternative to using a budget. By comparing KPIs to actual results and the Live forecast, you can see if you are on or behind pace to reach your yearly goal. KPIs can be displayed in the...

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KPI targets enhancement – January 2024

An enhancement has been made to the KPI targets page, making it easier to see and navigate the data. Alternative hierarchy and KPIs now have their own individual columns. The vertical lines below the Expand all option allow you to see how many levels deep you are...

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KPI targets overview

KPI targets overview

What are the KPI targets in PMI?KPI targets allows you to track the property’s performance by comparing actuals against the set KPI targets, forecast and budget.   In the future, this will also enable hoteliers to compare and benchmark, not only within a group, but...

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