The cost driver is what drives the labor cost/hours in a department. The cost driver is what gives the department work to do. This could be room nights for the housekeeping department or revenue/covers for a restaurant outlet. When hovering the mouse over the figures...
Why are my budget and forecast locked?
When you enter a new month, the forecast/budget will lock for the current month. In most cases, this is a request from your Head Office to avoid accidental or unauthorized changes that conflict with the data submitted to your reporting system (SAP). Your task is now...
Where can I find the upload function?
In PMI you can upload your budget, forecast and actual data,. The Upload function is found in the main menu under the Administration column. From the Upload module, you can download an excel template where you enter or copy/paste data from another system and upload...
Where do I change my food cost forecast?
Go to the navigation menu, choose Budget & Forecast and select your cockpit. Here you can insert or update your forecast and budget for food cost and percentage.
Why can’t I change the budget/forecast values directly?
If direct changes are made to the plan rows, then the whole link to a usage and a price will be broken and we will not be able to prepopulate future plans correctly. The best practice is to change the unit price, if possible. The prices initially shown are estimated...
How to create a pre-populated new plan for Budget or Forecast [3:02]
How to set up a weekly Live forecast
Summary This chapter describes how to make a Live Forecast/Weekly Forecast in Planning at any time. This functionality may be used when requirements exists to produce a weekly P&L forecast in addition to a monthly P&L forecast that is the standard best...
How to make a profit forecast
Summary We will now focus on what steps to take to produce a profit forecast in PMI Planning. Intended Users GM, Controllers and Heads of Departments Revenue The work with your forecast starts with the revenue section. A vital part of PMI Planning is that your...
How to upload actuals, budget & forecast
What is the Data Upload Centre? The Data Upload Centre is a module that allows you to upload various types of data to PMI. This data includes: Budget & Forecast Upload Revenue Upload Room Nights, Guest Nights Upload Covers Upload Hours Upload Personnel Cost...