How is the target calculated? The target is set in the Goal distribution tool module. The sustainability manager for your chain will assign each property a consumption reduction percentage per resource, and will set the date by when it needs to be...
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Planning GoGreen
How to do a monthly forecast routine in NextGen Planning
Each month, a new forecast should be submitted for the coming months. This can be done via the Planning pages in PMI. There are 3 simple steps to this process which should be done by the controller or GM. Step 1: Set up a plan Go to Planning...
Sense check mode explained
What is sense check mode? Sense check is a feature to help minimize errors in your data. It highlights obvious errors and values that seem extreme so you can review, correct or validate as needed. Sense check appears as an option on pages in...
How to edit a GoGreen plan
What is GoGreen Planning? Planning is a new module that initially supports the GoGreen cockpits with financial elements for environmental targets. This module is prepopulated using the latest Live Forecast and estimates based on historical...
Intro to NextGen GoGreen Planning
What is GoGreen planning? Planning is a new module that initially supports the GoGreen cockpits with financial elements for environmental targets. This module is prepopulated using the latest Live forecast and estimates based on historical...
Volume/usage/consumption explained
Example used is kWh from GoGreen. This shows the quantity of each resource we expect to use. The values come from the Live Forecast when this plan was first created. It’s fair to say that the values may differ in Live Forecast today, that’s why...
Unit price explained
Example used is Energy. This shows an estimated average price for each month in the plan and is combined with the usage (multiplied) to get the values. You can edit these prices as required. You can see there is added a price of 1 for gas in most...
Save changes button explained
The ‘Save changes’ button ensures the changes made to the plan are saved for furture edits. At this stage, the values only exist in this view. To make the plan values (cost of energy and estimated unit prices) available elsewhere, they need to be...
Plan values explained
Example used is Energy. This first section in the data table is the plan (budget) numbers in the currency shown in the header. It displays in thousands (K) and in the local currency.These values cannot be edited directly. They reflect values in the...
Main chart explained
Example used is Towels & linen Use this chart to see at a glance the general shape of your plan (blue bars) against the comparative period (gray) as pre-set and the level of guest nights planned (purple line). This enables you to see if the...
Goal charts and YoY comparison explained
The charts below (Towels & linen and Energy are used in this example), displays whether your plan shows year-on-year (YoY) improvement, considering the activity levels. The plan values for each month are divided by a relevant productivity...
Formula/Calculations explained
The diagram below shows the correlation between the formula elements which calculates the unit price to get the plan value you expect.In the diagram here below the forecast comes from kg from GoGreen multiplied by price per kg. Always ensure you...
Comparative data explained
What is comparative data? It is a set of data that you compare your draft plan against. The dataset shown under comparative data is also used to calculate other elements of your new plan. Look for … ‘based on comparative data’… in a section...
Data table general explained
Example used is Towels & linen. This is the traditional view of a budget with numbers by month. We have included a total column showing the sum of all months in the plan (which could be anything between 6 & 18 months). The column...
How to set up a Plan
What is Planning? Planning version setup is where you create draft budgets and forecasts for GoGreen, Room revenue, and Labor costs. PMI prepopulates this plan using the latest Live forecast and estimates based on historical financial (P&L)...
GoGreen Learning page overview
What is the purpose of GoGreen learning page? GoGreen learning is an analysis tool which highlights how effective you have been in environmental and sustainability management. You can review resource consumption compared to previous periods and...